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We gotta hack for the password

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Pokemon ranger's password will probably never be found by guessing. If we were to try one random password a second, we wouldnt get it for about 32 thousand years... and thats just if the password is only the numbers 0 through 9. Imagine how long it would take if the password consisted of the letters too! (But we could get lucky and get it on the first try, except you have a much better chance of winning the lottery, getting struck by lightning and getting hit by a car at the same time than getting it on your first guess) So we must hack for the password. Somebody has to access the game's program and find out the password somehow. Thats all I have to say for now.


Well-Known Member
You really needed to create a topic for this? You couldn't have said it in the Ranger Password topic? Jeez.. :rolleyes:


You really needed to create a topic for this? You couldn't have said it in the Ranger Password topic? Jeez.. :rolleyes:

True. Also, they are TRYING. Doesn't mean you have to take drastic measures so early.


ooo, what's cooking?
hm, letters 0-9, that gives it about 1 outta 81. Add letters, 35. Hm, that would make it...calculating....calculating....
ez odds, geez, only 1 outta 1225. People have a better chance to get a shiny by far and most people here have like 10 shinies, sheesh, we r ound to get lucky someday...


Glitch Hunting Freak
How many possible numbers/letters/symbols are there that you can use for the code? (like numbers 0-9, letters a-z, maybe capitals/lower case, ect)

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
Dude you don't have to spam, post in the actual thread. God.


Glitch Hunting Freak
Are you talking to me? I just want to know to caculate odds and actually determine what could possibly be the answer...
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