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We need your help!

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The Pokémon Weaver
If you have Jap. D/P and have beaten the E4, we need your help! I'm from Wikipedia, and we just got a boatload of new Pokemon town articles today for Shin'ou. We need you to add points of interest, like on Nagisa City (go to http://en.wikipedia.org and type Nagisa City in the search box). We also need articles made on Sonoo Town and Foento City if anybody here has an account there, I may make them too. Most of them have proposed deletion (if it says Articles for Deletion, go to User talk:TrackerTV and I'll get to it), get rid of it and add at the top ({{newpoke}}) and at the bottom:

{{Pokémon Game Locations}}
[[Category:Fictional towns and cities]]
[[Category:Shin'ou locations]]

We want to save these from deletion! We are the Pokémon Collaborative Project!

--From KB/TrackerTV ;137; ;233; ;474;

Off topic, this got me to a new rank.
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