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Weather fight...


Well-Known Member
When Kygre and Groudon are facing each other in a link battle, is raining or is it sunny?
I battled my friend's Groudon and it always rained, then he got a different Groudon and now it is always sunny. How does this work?

I apologize if this was asked before, I looked in the FAQ's and I could not find anything on this topic.
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Fear him!
Easy, your Kyogre was faster than the first Groudon, and now the second Groudon is faster than your Kyogre. It all depends on you Pokemon's speed.


Well-Known Member
Yes you are right, it was faster, thanks. I never thought it afected weather that way.


Completing The Trio
if your friend sends out his groudon and then you send out kyogre it will rain

if you send out kyogre and then he sends out groudon it will be sunny

it doesn't depend on speed becasue i sent out a level 45 kyogre {traded form sapphire to ruby} to use against groudon and my kyogres effect was activated and not groudons and my kyogre had lower speed


Well-Known Member
Also a Quick Claw will automatically make your opponent get their weather effect, so it's not a good item to use. I tested this out before.


Completing The Trio
how do you know it was slower groudon is one of the most slowest pokemon a lv 60 groudon would probaly be slower than a 45 kygre

i checked the stats,

and i have also tried it on other pokemon for example in a link battle i once had. i sent out a kyogre against a meganium my friend had, kicked its *** then my friend sends out groudon and bang my drizzle stops and his drought kicks in as soon as i switched out then switched kyogre back in again drizzle starts up again


Completing The Trio
my point was that my kyogre was faster than the gorudon he sent out but it was the groudons effect that came into play


Well-Known Member
slower one

the faster one uses the effect first
then the slower one uses there affect and cancels it out

at least in game


Completing The Trio
^ exactly speed is used but the second on the field has its effect activated not the first or the fastest


I am the game
Better to be slower in weather fights!


The Plot Thickens
Robert, Groudon is relatively fast.
I think it's speed or who is sent out last.


<-- Solves any case!
If they are sent out both on the first turn, the fastest get's his ability first and the slowest keeps it. If you switch than it's obvious that the new one gets his ability.


Fear him!
Yea sorry, I got mixed up. It's the slower one that gets it's weather.