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wee, I might be getting a wii today!

The store called us since we reserved legend of zelda: twiligt princess, saying that they were selling a limited amount of wii's today. Do you think I will be able to get one today?

Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
Uh? I don't even think that Nintendo ships them until a few days before the midnight launch. o-o


You're Illegal
Do you live in the USA, lucky, i'm jelous, you guys get to pay like only 249.99, while up here in Canada its 279.99, and in Ontario where I live its $319.18 after tax! I'm so annoyed -_-'

Heh, sorry, I dunno, may they ship before therelease date a few systems and that store might let out a few?...


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Yeah, the Wii doesn't actually come out for over a month. Pre-orders began just recently.
Well Elen gave one away to that Blind Boy on her show so it is possible for Americans to get one early. I live in Australia and still have 52 days left to wait...


Sea Ruby Trainer
It was probably a pre order. EB games and Gamestop started doing that recently.

Thunder Child

Dedicated Trainer
yup and i was lucky enough to get one!

There is no way in hell you could possibly be in possession of a Wii right now, but, to cover my bases, I'm still going to ask you to provide incontrovertible proof, proving beyond all reasonable doubt that you do indeed own a Wii (which you don't, but hey).

If you just got a pre-order, please say so. I'm getting fed up of people around here being so unclear in regards to getting pre-orders.
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I have two questions
what games did you get?
can you post a picture?

He means that he got a pre-order, not an actual Wii.

@elekible addict: As everyone said, they were probably just asking if you wanted to pre-order the game. Although I've never actually heard of a videogame store calling people. Usually they have to have the customers call the store to pre-order it, not the other way around. You were probably the victem of either a practical joke, or inexperienced EBgames employees.


Sea Ruby Trainer
Although I've never actually heard of a videogame store calling people.

When the LoZ: TP was switched over to the Wii also, I called Gamestop and they said that they would call me when they were ready to switch the pre-order over from Gamecube to the Wii. They did. They also contacted me when they were going to except pre-orders for the Wii. It was by e-mail but they did it and because of that (and my grandma) I have pre-ordered the Wii.