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Weird glitch??? has this happened to anyone else?


Well-Known Member
ok i was doing the double battle in victory road, in emerald, against the woman that has the lanturn that knows earthquake and I had my blaziken and alteria out and lanturn used earthquake. alteria avoided it and it said "Blaziken evades the attack using levitate"

Is this a wierd glitch , or has this happened to anyone else before?


Well-Known Member
U mean Blaziken dodged with levitate!? or was it like Lanturns attaked missed.Blaziken dodged with Levitate! A one time thing probably or u read it wrong cuz altaria has levitate..


Loving Longnecks
Umm lanturn cant learn Earthquake and altaria doesnt have levitate and its already is flying, this is either a true glitch or a fake plus this should be in the glitch section.


Well-Known Member
yes im sure Blaziken dodged with leviate im sure of it plus the lanturn does know earthquake although it can't learn it. in lg/fr loreli's dewgong used singnal beam on me. First it said " It doesn't effect alteria and then it said Blaziken dodged with levitate". I don;t know what happened and i know i read it right.


Loving Longnecks
Umm dewgong can learn signal beam in fr/lg only by getting that guy 2 mushrooms. And this is quitley odd.


Well-Known Member
sorry didn't know the thing about dewdong. Yeah i tried it again but it work fine and blaziken got hit maybe it was just one freak thing who knows it was cool that it happened though.


Well-Known Member
Weird, never happened to me before.
Maybe it is just like"keen eye paralyzed pikachu" glitch. Keen eye works like syncronise, maybe same thing happened to you?

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
It's a glitch. A weird one.


The new tuxedo look!
Just a weird ability glitch. Once my swellow got wonder guard.


echospace obsessive
Its just a screw-up in the coding,my Blastoise continually uses shell armour(which it can`t get)


Onions? Where??
I had that keen eye glitch yesterday in FR


Onions? Where??
Its just a screw-up in the coding,my Blastoise continually uses shell armour(which it can`t get)

according to main site shell armour isn't a move.


I am the game
Lucky i would love to have a blaziken with levitate..