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Weird mistakes/changes in the anime theme song?

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Today, I was wacthing the episode of Pokemon, "Claydol! Big and Tall!", but I notcied 2 things diffrent of the theme song:

1.When TR are doing there "dance", Maynula dosen't appear at all
2.Instead of the Rukario and Mew scene, it shows Pikachu using Iron Tail

I'm possitive about this because I recorded the epi, so I'm sure I didn't blinked and missed a scene or something like that

Maybe, the Maynula was a mistake from the producers, and the Pika thing was a changed scene on pourpose?...

Your thoughts on this?

Ice Cold Glalie

Well-Known Member
they did it so any 4th gen pokemon that haven't been released outside of Japan aren't shown

Ice Cold Glalie

Well-Known Member
i don't think so, it hasn't been released outside japan, they can show Munchlax because it's on pokemon dash but it's the only one they can show i think you may be seeing things
Ice Cold Glalie said:
i don't think so, it hasn't been released outside japan, they can show Munchlax because it's on pokemon dash but it's the only one they can show i think you may be seeing things
I know Munchlax is supposed to be seen, but I'm gonna check my vedio to make sure

Edit:Just checked it! And your right, Maene is no longer with TR

But I wonder if there will be any more changes? Hmm...
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Lil Brother

Just kinda there.
Nah, this has been known seen the episode aired over in the UK. They were the only two changes. Or significant changes, anyways, maybe there was a split-second slow-down or speed-up or something. Of course, they were removed since we're not supposed to know about Manene, Lucario, and Manyula yet...

Oh, and they've premiered Bonsly also, Ice Cold Glalie.

Ice Cold Glalie

Well-Known Member
i know Bonsly been premired but it is not in the opening sequence of Advanced battle


Well-Known Member
Like said, this is old news. Now that they've edited the Japanese Frontier opening, they can include that bit into the opening.
Yes, the Japanese intro got updated with changes to the sections that were also changed in the AB intro;

In the Japanese intro now, the TR scene has Dustox now and removed the Manyula (and they don't get scared as well). Also, this may have been to promote the Mysterious Dungeon game that was released the day "Dragonair's Lake" aired, but they replaced the Mew scene with a pan scene based off that game's boxart. But, these scenes only total have 2 4th gen Pokemon in them (Manene in the TR scene and Munchlax in the dungeon part).

If 4Kids were to use them, they'd only have to remove Manene. So, should 4Kids swich to them?


The American Theme changed the Rukario and Mew Scene because it was revealing spoilers, same as the TR Manyula scene. The Japanese Theme updates as time goes on, and the dub will probably too.


Come along, dear
They probably changed to be up to date with the games or episode or something.


Old Coot
Since this has been discussed to death before and everything's been corrected..I'll be closing this.
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