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Weird stuff in my chamba'

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ok something is weird in my purifying chamber. i just purified lugia and all my sets r maxxed out tempo. The flow- the max is 4 bars right? Well in Set 5 there r 2 lil' slits of more flow. it is only in Set 5, no other set, and all of the tempos r maxxed out. I have no clue what the heck it is, so i'm just curious.


true love
Is there a Shadow Pokémon in one of the sets? And maybe it's just because of the Pokémon in that set that puts it out a little more than the other. It happens sometimes, though I forget if it happened to me with or without a shadow..
There's a shadow in every set, and does it have to do wit being in the middle? (set 5 out of 9; middle of 9 is 5)


true love
bLASTOIse_MAsTer said:
There's a shadow in every set, and does it have to do wit being in the middle? (set 5 out of 9; middle of 9 is 5)

There goes your answer. I don't think it matters which set.. but the regular Pokémon surrounding the shadow.

That's what I think anyway.
i'll check the FAQ if it's there... that wasn't anywhere else. If u have purifeid lugia, can u try it? in set 5. Just in case put shadows in every set.
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