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weird stuff

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well this is for all weird things without cheating happend on emerald

1) at mauville city if you walk right you see that aroma woman and if you stand a step away from the ledge and she notices you she will walk up the ledge ???

2)i had a level 100 zapdos and i found a wumple (my gameboy had been playing up the last couple of days ) and then it said wurmple used sheer cold it is a one hit ko and defeated my zapdas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flame Haze SnS

Okay...Either it's weird or it must by glitch. O.O;


<-- Solves any case!
I know the first one is true. The second one is either cause you traded with someone who has used a gameshark, you used a gameshark, you have a fakegame, or a combo of those.
hehe well at least the first isnt weird but sheer cold !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was a wurmple hmm.....

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
hehe well at least the first isnt weird but sheer cold !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was a wurmple hmm.....

oh haha...how droll...but i know the first one happens, which really annoys me cuz i want to be able to climb up ledges :(...


<-- Solves any case!
Come to think of it... Sheercold coming from a wurmple (even if it did learn it), wouldn't effect a level 100 zapdos. Sheercold doesn't hit higher level pokemon.


The new tuxedo look!
1) Been proven true, the first time I see the aroma lady, I do that glitch to amuse myself.
2) Fake. As milotic111 said, you're lying.
So what if sheer cold doesn't hit Pokemons with higher levels? Should Wurmple even learn Sheer cold? No. It's a glitch, it's not supposed to make sense.
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