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Pokemon & runescape rules

Hi, this is my first post in this forums. Here is a few things about me.

Favortie Pokemon is Flygon. ;330;
Also has an acount on two other forums, the username for those two forums is also Pokemon & runescape rules.
Account on runescape is Gameshark27
Account on Netbattle is I like Flygon.
Account on Pokemoncrater is I like Flygon.

How do you add your own custom avatar (I have a picture I want to use for the avatar)? when I can select avatars, I can only pick the presets. What's wrong?


Only Staff members can use custom avatars.

Welcome to the forums.


Team Magma Captain
Welcome to the forum and hope you have a nice stay, dont spam, read the rules, hope you make friends.


Well-Known Member
Hi! Hope you have fun here and follow the rules. Btw, you have a very interesting username(in a good way). :)



Well-Known Member
1. Click on a forum to go to. EX: General Pokemon Discussion

2. Somewhere on the left hand side, you'll see a button called "New Thread."

3. Click on it to make your own.
