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Well...gulp...heres my first fake...(Its done with ms paint)


deoxys owns u
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Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
For your first fake...and with MS Paint...it's okay.

Please change that picture to a link to the card as well - posting the picture is against the general rules in this forum. Ta. ;)

Can I suggest, also, the Fangking blanks found at Pokémon Palace Network. A lot more supplies can be found that that I'm sure will help you. :)


Well-Known Member
alrighty deoxys-alpha i hope(wish) that your next card will be better than this one and I suggest you read cipher dsx's post once again and use the fangking advance blanks.

best o' luck with your next fake.

Naetoru & Stitch

Sending out an S.O.S
"Fire ze mizzales"
Just Joking. It isn't too bad...but I guess it teaches us not to use MS paint for a trainer card. It can probably get you started though. 8/10


Well-Known Member
Its very good for a 1st try,but you are no where near the right font! 8.9/10

EDIT:WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a Zepher Trainer!!!