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were are the ruby and saphire items at?

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lucario the great2

Well-Known Member
Were are the ruby and saphire items at?I realy need to know so i can trade with my freaind.

The Ruby plate is situated on Island 1, through a cave that is opened after you defeat the E4. The Sapphire plate is in Dotted Hole on Island 6, but a scientist steals it before you do, so you must traipse back to the Rocket Headquarters on Island 5.
Hope that helps, but next time just consult the main site.


Obsessive Beader/Mod

17. Q: Where are the Ruby and Sapphire plates?
A: The Ruby plate can be found in Mt. Ember. Once you have the National Dex, defeat the Rockets in front of the cave. Then you can go in and find the Ruby. They will NOT fight you until you have the 'Dex, so see question #10 on how to get it.

The Sapphire is a little more complicated. First, you must save Lorelei in Icefall Cave, on Four Island. This is VERY important—if you don’t do this, a scientist will be blocking your way to a cave on Six Island. Once Lorelei is saved, the scientist will be gone. Use Cut on the door, and make your way through the cave, reading the Braille on the wall to figure out which door to go through. Once you’re at the bottom, you’ll find the Sapphire plate, but the scientist will come and steal it! He’ll leave a password in his place, which allows you to get into the Rocket Warehouse on Five Island. Get through the Warehouse, and you’ll finally get the Sapphire plate, which you can take to Celio. PHEW!

Please, PLEASE read the FAQs before asking a question. They do serve a purpose.

-Answered, closed
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