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Wes club

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Winning Smile
Staff member
Super Mod
Charizaro - you should update your sig - Brawl's been delayed again...
One week for Japan, March... 10th (?) for America. For Australia - who knows?

BTW, nice picture.

I've updated my story again!


Moon Fennec Angel
I m backs
sorry is sooooo late *blush*

Life was busy but its cleared up now
and I have found a few tip bits like this vid I have saved on my photobucket

Pixel Wes by Yoru-ryu as my request ^0^

and a pic found ^^




Winning Smile
Staff member
Super Mod
It might be just going throgh a 'slow period' - these things happen from time to time.
It has already gone through 122 pages as well - probably a fair bit has already been discussed... and no surprises there - it's Wes after all. ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow...4 years since Colosseum came out. I can't believe this is still here. I'll make a request to join, but I won't post here that often.


Moon Fennec Angel
Steping down as club owner TxT

I sadly inform you that I am planing to step down
because I really don't have time and I feel lonely here on Serebii got no real friends here plus I think some one can do a better job running the club then me

so one of of the members here can take the key in running the club

be sure if you really want to so best say your reasons.

I will still come back and visit by proving pictures for the club and I have msn so if any one wants to ask ask me here.

Sincerely Lorna code name Angel-FoX

PS I still luv our Wes


Well-Known Member
... this was bumped waaaaaay before.

Plus, this place is getting spammy anyways. If anyone wants to create a new Club, feel free.

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