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Wes club

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Sapphire Ocean Princess said:
We all know that. lol If any of you are getting XD and hope to find Wes, don't count on it. I've triend looking for a cameo.

;151; : Tried everything 'cept getting the game!

Um... I have XD, and I never found Wes. :( I was hoping for a cameo, but no... well, at least they were mentioned in the game! It'd be cool if they gave more hints... I think most of them were about Rui.
Shadow_KurseXD said:
Um... I have XD, and I never found Wes. :( I was hoping for a cameo, but no... well, at least they were mentioned in the game! It'd be cool if they gave more hints... I think most of them were about Rui.

I think to them Rui's more loved. I want to make a third Colosseum game. AND MAKE WES TALK FOR ONCE!!!!! *ahem* No, MAKE EVERYONE TALK INSTEAD OF TEXT BOXES!!!! *ahem* Sorry 'bout that. But I just wanna hear Wes for once.
Sapphire Ocean Princess said:
I think to them Rui's more loved. I want to make a third Colosseum game. AND MAKE WES TALK FOR ONCE!!!!! *ahem* No, MAKE EVERYONE TALK INSTEAD OF TEXT BOXES!!!! *ahem* Sorry 'bout that. But I just wanna hear Wes for once.

You're right! Making them talk in text boxes kinda annoy me! XD But one problem... when you pick a name for the character, how would they say it? (maybe that's the reason they make them talk in text boxes... <_<) Hm... if Wes could talk, what would he sound like? (maybe this should be the next topic.) Well, here are more pics of Wes!


If Wes could talk, what would he sound like?
For some reason, I think Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. I don't know why... but Ed reminds me of Wes, and Winry reminds me of Rui... o_O Hm... strange... BTW, great pics, Yoru Ryu! I really liked the first one. ^_^

Yoru Ryu

Yoru Ryu said:
Heheh, some EnigmaShipping (Wes x Wataru) I love this site but they've taken down a lot of the Wesley stuff ;_; This was all i could find now...




Hmm, and he's hardly going to have a squeaky voice XD And i'm sure that living a life in a desert or just in a general sqat-hole would give him a throaty voice.

Those are weird pics... ^_^;


Moon Fennec Angel
Shadow_KurseXD said:
You're right! Making them talk in text boxes kinda annoy me! XD But one problem... when you pick a name for the character, how would they say it? (maybe that's the reason they make them talk in text boxes... <_<) Hm... if Wes could talk, what would he sound like? (maybe this should be the next topic.) Well, here are more pics of Wes!



Great image hunting I'll have to draw those in my style...
Hmmm I think Wes's voice would sound like Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist only slightly deeper and soft *if I heard his voice like that I'd blush big time ^^*
Angel-FoX-crescent said:
Great image hunting I'll have to draw those in my style...
Hmmm I think Wes's voice would sound like Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist only slightly deeper and soft *if I heard his voice like that I'd blush big time ^^*

Hee hee hee... I would too. I kinda have a crush on Ed... -^_^-
Hm... yeah. ^_^ When I first saw Ed, I couldn't stop thinking of Wes. (it was probably because of their gold eyes that reminded me of each other) ^_^;
Sapphire Ocean Princess said:
It'd be cooler with we drew a pic with all of us chasing him. *pictures Wes getting chased by his fangirls* lorl That is something I must see.

Hahahaha! That'd be soo funny. XD I wish I could draw... (I can sketch, but I'm not professional... XD) I can't even do computer art... Well, I can picture it...


Moon Fennec Angel
Shadow_KurseXD said:
Hahahaha! That'd be soo funny. XD I wish I could draw... (I can sketch, but I'm not professional... XD) I can't even do computer art... Well, I can picture it...

Hee-hee I think I could do that ^^

Yoru Ryu

I would do it too if i weren't so swamped already o_o; Plus i try to shy away from doing people from the chest down... they always look crap anyway ^^;
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