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Wes club

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Yoru Ryu

Angel-FoX-crescent said:
Aww don't be silly.
Your pics are good.
Any who about group pic how shall I draw every body?
I'm gonna be Angel-FoX.

Ya know what i look like. Ya can either go by my ID on DA or the actual picture of me in my DA gallery -^^- Purple Bandanna, leather to-the-floor-long jacket :D
Shadow_KurseXD said:
Hahahaha! That'd be soo funny. XD I wish I could draw... (I can sketch, but I'm not professional... XD) I can't even do computer art... Well, I can picture it...

Me too. Mabey I can ask my friend to draw that. I wanna be in the in the group picture too. I've got blue hair, blue eyes, blue sundress, basicly, everything but the skin's blue. (not really)
I sure wanna be in the picture... XD Let's see...
I have (shoulder-length) black hair, brown eyes, and I'm wearing a blue T-shirt and black jeans. Hm... if anyone draws the picture, they should include Rui, and she should be saying:
"Hey! Wes belongs to me, not you guys!"
And she's in the back, while we're sorta in a line chasing after Wes... XD
Angel-FoX-crescent said:
Nope I'll cling onto his neck instead lol. *huggles*

Hey, since you decided to cling on to his neck, can I hold his left arm? (the one with the snag machine in it... XD) Yeah, Rui might be really mad at all of us... and Angel-Fox, I think you're the one drawing it... ^_^; Is there anyone else here drawing?


Moon Fennec Angel
Yep she'd be pretty ticked off.
Yes ya can cling on to Wes left arm ^^

If no one else is gunna draw the image I will if that's okay?

If so please send despritions via privte message.
Shadow_KurseXD said:
Hey, since you decided to cling on to his neck, can I hold his left arm? (the one with the snag machine in it... XD) Yeah, Rui might be really mad at all of us...

I change my mind. I'll cling to his left arm! You take the right. *hears phone ringing* *answers it* Hello?

Rui : *on other line* You are not going to cling to Wes!!!

Uh.... Wrong number! *slams phone down* *it rings again* *picks it up* Yeah?

Rui : You can't fool me, Sapphire Ocean Princess!!!

Wrong number!!! *slams phone down* *it rings and I pick it up* I not going to cling to him!!! He's all yours Rui!!!

Wes : *on other line* Rui? No, it's me, Wes.

What? Oh, um, sorry Wes. I thought you were Rui for a moment. *blush* Well, um, bye!! *puts down phone* Man that was so embarassing.
Sapphire Ocean Princess said:
I change my mind. I'll cling to his left arm! You take the right. *hears phone ringing* *answers it* Hello?

Rui : *on other line* You are not going to cling to Wes!!!

Uh.... Wrong number! *slams phone down* *it rings again* *picks it up* Yeah?

Rui : You can't fool me, Sapphire Ocean Princess!!!

Wrong number!!! *slams phone down* *it rings and I pick it up* I not going to cling to him!!! He's all yours Rui!!!

Wes : *on other line* Rui? No, it's me, Wes.

What? Oh, um, sorry Wes. I thought you were Rui for a moment. *blush* Well, um, bye!! *puts down phone* Man that was so embarassing.

Haha, Lol. XD
(Phone rings) Hello?
Rui: Hi! It's Rui.
Uh...... hi... Wes isn't here!
Rui: Riiight... You're Shadow_KurseXD, and I know it!
I swear, he isn't here!
Rui: Then why do I see a "Wes Club" sign in front of a door, and hear hysterical laughing?
Uh... we're watching TV!
Rui: I'm in front of the door you're in... I finally found your secret HQ! I'm hearing everything you guys say!
Wes: Is that Rui?
Rui: (listens through door) Wes? Is that you???
Man... nice going, Wes... >_<
Wes: I didn't know!

Oh, and I'll hang on to Wes's right arm, Sapphire Princess. ^_^
Behind a couch? No...
Wes: She could just find me there!
A closet?
Wes: Are you crazy? It's stuffy in there!
Rui: (from outside) Open the door!!! (tugs on doorknob from outside)
Ack! Where should me hide him? (starts running around room, looking for a spot)

Angelic Elf Ivy

Well-Known Member
What's going on!? I'm so lost! (*dies) x_X
Anyway. . . .um. . . .Hey! I know. . .no I don't know. . .^^;; I'll uh. . .hold the door shut while you find a spot to hide him!
Oh! Can I be in the pic? Just draw an elf with long blue hair and silver eyes and I'll be content!
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