Shadow_KurseXD said:
Hey, since you decided to cling on to his neck, can I hold his left arm? (the one with the snag machine in it... XD) Yeah, Rui might be really mad at all of us...
I change my mind. I'll cling to his left arm! You take the right. *hears phone ringing* *answers it* Hello?
Rui : *on other line* You are not going to cling to Wes!!!
Uh.... Wrong number! *slams phone down* *it rings again* *picks it up* Yeah?
Rui : You can't fool me, Sapphire Ocean Princess!!!
Wrong number!!! *slams phone down* *it rings and I pick it up* I not going to cling to him!!! He's all yours Rui!!!
Wes : *on other line* Rui? No, it's me, Wes.
What? Oh, um, sorry Wes. I thought you were Rui for a moment. *blush* Well, um, bye!! *puts down phone* Man that was so embarassing.