Eh? The point of Ze thread was for people to anounce what dungeon they forgot to pack their stuff and gave up or died.
1) You triple posted, true that you made the thread but I don't know if you can triple post because of that.
2) Most people, like myself, could probably go into a dungeon of all most any size with little preparations. Me? Just let me take a few huge apples and I'll be set.
Some dungeons you have to have preperations though. L:ike, it's a little hard to live off of Silver Trench's Grimy Food since as far as I know, there're no apples to be found there. But there's not once I died in Buried Relic bringing nothing with me...Really depends which 99 floor dungeon.
nicely done *clap clap clap*well, today i went into buried relic (havent beat it yet) to do a floor one mission, but since it was still part of the storyline i couldn't do the mission. i had no supplies, and no partners. the funny thing is, i decided it try to get far in and made it all the way to the 50th floor. then i died bcause of lack of max elixers and apples.
nicely done *clap clap clap*
I made it to floor 66 with full preperation my first time thru and died, i didn't even see mew! A tip for mew lovers up there, take an x-ray specs so u can find all the enemies!
also, a bit off topic, but a glitch occured once where the pokemon changed into somethin else!
Same to you... and me.
Darn, owned myself.