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Whale of a Question

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Orange Champion
I've been looking at some movepools and I noticed that one of the suggested sets for Wailord contains Self-Destruct, but this move isn't found in his Pokedex entry on the site.

So can Wailord learn Self-Destruct? And if so, what would the breeding chain be?



Yes, Wailord can learn Selfdestruct via the XD move tutor. It's not in the dex because the XD tutors were never added to the dex.


Gust of Wind
wow....exploding whale, i'd pay 10 bucks to see that


Nothing about wailord suprises me anymore. I mean it can learn bounceo_O. (in d/p that is) I think i'm gonna make a CB wailord:D


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Okay, since the question's been answered, closing to prevent more spam. :/
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