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[What a drama queen!]

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
So a few days ago before I beat my Blue, my then-Eevee self was up against Articuno. During his somewhat self-righteous speil, I noticed he would unfurl his wings. A lot. And to emphasize something he said, as if using visual exclaimation marks. Like: "My snow is melting! *UNFURL! Furls wings quickly.* YOU'RE the one making my snow melt! *UNFURL! Furls wings quickly.* I must do battle with you! *UNFURL! Furls wings quickly.* I will save my snow! *UNFURL! Fur-Gets hit in the head with a Gravelrock.*"

... Ja.

Later on, when I was trying to recruit him to save a friend-of-a-friend, it took me something like fifteen or so tries before he finally asked to join my team. Talk about being stuck on a high horse, ja (join rate percentage notwithstanding)? But now DramaQueen the Articuno is finally a part of Team Schlange. ;144;

  • The unusal personalities the various NPCs have. Why do all the legendaries seem to 'shoot first and ask questions later' when you encounter them in Story Mode? Is my partner on drugs? She's too happy!
  • Recruiting difficulties. Yes, I know Rayquaza and Mewtwo are pains to recruit, but what about the "easier" Pokémon? Any troubles with them (Kecleon notwithstanding, either)?
  • Weird, funny, and unusual nicknames you give to your teammates (bar random combinations of letters and sounds). I nicknamed that Magnemite that joins at the beginning 'UFO' in Blue and 'Das Oophoe' in Red. x3
  • Anything else you could possibly gather from this little tale.

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
meh, the legends are fun to recruit. XD my raichu is on drugs!

I have never nicknamed any of my pokes except my starter, I named him zach after the awesomest guy ever :p

I was talking with one of my friends online while she was trying to recruit Rayquaza; damned snake took forever. Ironically enough, she got Lugia on her first try. Without a Friend Bow. I'm jealous.

I think all the partners are on drugs. > __>

And I always name my teammates. I'm critical like that, even if the "nickname" really is just a bunch of random letters/sounds I happened to like. Makes things more personal, since calling, say, ;038; "Ninetales" seems (to me) to be the equivilant of calling me "Girl".

*Is a black Mareep of the fandom.*

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
eevee is a pain to recruit, even with 10 something recruit rate, all of the eevees i beat never wish to join me!
>.< i hate my life.

And thus why I spent an hour restarting my Blue until I finally got an Eevee. *Pats.* I had the same trouble with Poliwags, of all things. Finally got one to join me after my fifty millionth run through Silent Chasm. xP

XD, we all hate our lives.

I think ninetails of a boy. with the storyline and all (gets teary eyed) POOR GANGER!

Oh, oh, I wasn't implying that Ninetales was a girl. I guess I should've said that it was the equivilant to calling me or you "Human" (Ninetales was a randomly chosen example, too, because I love me some Ninetales). I got teary-eyed at the end of Story Mode, too. Which was bad, because I was at school and as a Junior, I'm supposed to think Pokémon is for babies or something. /:
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Cain Nightroad

Lugia is serious stuff. Bring it on... as if your life depended on it! It reminds me of when Sasuke and sakura faced Orochimaru in the Forest of Death... but Deoxys is like an idiot in this game. Like Where is this place? Wtf happened to me? Aaaahh, a Pokemon! I'll have to fight! You get the idea. I never liked Deoxys anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hey, not all the partners are on drugs. Rush, my Typhlosion, is pretty smart! He just accidently kills me sometimes, but still smart.

It's just Aoi.

Yeah...Lugia was all evil and scary. Threatening to kill you and all.

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
Lugia is serious stuff. Bring it on... as if your life depended on it! It reminds me of when Sasuke and sakura faced Orochimaru in the Forest of Death... but Deoxys is like an idiot in this game. Like Where is this place? Wtf happened to me? Aaaahh, a Pokemon! I'll have to fight! You get the idea. I never liked Deoxys anyway.

Lugia is seriously sXc, man.

*Is shot.*

But I kinda figured Deoxys was an idiot. Hell, he just looks like an idiot. I'm somewhat glad Parukia has stolen his title as the space-ruling Pokémon.


Well-Known Member
Those Legendaries in this game... what if they killed the person that was going to give them a 1,000,000 poke check? They should ask first, then shoot.

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
Hey, not all the partners are on drugs. Rush, my Typhlosion, is pretty smart! He just accidently kills me sometimes, but still smart.

It's just Aoi.

Yeah...Lugia was all evil and scary. Threatening to kill you and all.

I meant the Story Mode partners. You know. Like Faint and that dastardly, Articuno-killing Lime.

Aoi IS on drugs, regardless, though.

Those Legendaries in this game... what if they killed the person that was going to give them a 1,000,000 poke check? They should ask first, then shoot.

I know, right? It's like, "I could've just come here to tell you that you've been elected supreme ruler of the world! And you go and KILL ME?!" They're way too eager for their own goods.

Cain Nightroad

Deoxys is a DNA Pokemon, not a space ruling Pokemon...
Anyway... Ho-Oh practically worships you, while it should be the other way around. Groudon is made to look like some maniac, and Kyogre is made to look like a power-hungry freak. Oh.. my infinite power... Infinite power??? it's a stupid level 25....

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
Deoxys is a DNA Pokemon, not a space ruling Pokemon...
Anyway... Ho-Oh practically worships you, while it should be the other way around. Groudon is made to look like some maniac, and Kyogre is made to look like a power-hungry freak. Oh.. my infinite power... Infinite power??? it's a stupid level 25....

Huh... I was always led to believe that it was the space-ruling Pokémon, too, since he, you know, came from space. But I guess this is what I get for not watching Destiny Deoxys... Or any movie past 4E...

Groudon reminded me of a Hulk incarnate ('You woke Groudon! Groudon angry! Groudon SMASH!') and I bailed on Kyogre's Stormy Sea around 23F out of boredom. What about the other legendaries? I'm disgustingly behind because TPC took two weeks delivering my games. - __-

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
my deoxys owns with his awesome speed form. he wont let anyone get even close to me :D

Lucky. ; __;

The only awesome legendaries I own are a shiny Mewtwo and a shiny Lugia. But I got them from a friend who turned them into TM/HM slaves, so they're kinda ruined. And I missed the reccent Mew giveaway at the Toy-R-Us's, too, because I was traveling for twelve hours that day, all day.
lugia's dungeon bores me, i love lugia and all, but its dungeon is so fricken boring its not worth it to get her(yes, i think of lugia as a girl XD remember that whirl island episode? mama lugia) :/
it took me THREE TIMES to get kyogre. THREE TIMES.
plus friend bow. I got groudon on my second try, and rayquaza firsy :O

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
lugia's dungeon bores me, i love lugia and all, but its dungeon is so fricken boring its not worth it to get her(yes, i think of lugia as a girl XD remember that whirl island episode? mama lugia) :/
it took me THREE TIMES to get kyogre. THREE TIMES.
plus friend bow. I got groudon on my second try, and rayquaza firsy :O

What about daddy Lugia? O:

Unless Lugia reproduces asexually or something.

Can't say I've tried to get any legendaries past Zapdos and Articuno. Moltres is my next victim and I can only hope he's not as difficult as DramaQueen was. I'd like to get Mew, simply because it's my boyfriend's favorite and reminds me of him, but Buried Relic frightens me so. D:


Always Friends
I'm guessing they only talk on Blue? Or is this when you talk to them?

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
I'm guessing they only talk on Blue? Or is this when you talk to them?

Mainly in Story Mode, before you can evolve and whatnot. Like when you confront the legendaries when you're a fugitive and stuff. It's the same in both versions.


Boulder Trainer
[Paper Snow];4579543 said:
I'm disgustingly behind because TPC took two weeks delivering my games. - __-

...at least you have the game. Britain can't even get it without importing until November 10th, and then a load of people have to wait until Christmas.