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What are my chances for me getting a Wii today?

Okay, I want a Wii today. So here are the facts.

- They are selling 25
- We put our name on our list so we get our Wii before people who aren't on the list. The only problem is that there may be people before us that are on the list as well.
- We are going to the mall at 11: 00 to get it and the store opens at 12.

So, out of 10, what are my chances. I am really worried that they might be sold out.
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Pretty good, I bought a Wii this morning for my family. I'd say your chances are 7/10, if its not at one store, it'll most likely be at another.


Moribund WarriorPoet
There are stores around you that still haven't opened? If you left now, I think your chances are quite good...

Damn... I wish I had a store around me that would sell a Wii at Noon...


SPPF's Castlevanic
I'd say 6 or 7/10.

For me, my parents and I went out at like 7:00am to get one, we checked 2 stores and they were sold out. Though this is for me, as I live i connecticut, and It looks like yoiur chances would be better than mine.

The Thrashmeister

<-- Made of awesome.
Pssh. I just hope I can get it before the year ends. My parents are stubborn, despite this being like, the only thing I've asked for this year.


Macho man!
I think you have a pretty good chance. Maybe a 8/10.

Even if it sells out, you can always wait for it to come back it stock.


perpetually tired

Have you guys actually tried calling local stores? (I have, only one potential store left which we can check in a half-hour).

Unless you are a camper or a pre-orderer, very, very, very slim.


Aquarius Sphere
God, I'm glad I pre-ordered it. I don't think I could wait that long...
How many people were waiting? I'd be horrible for the 31st person and onward...O_O


try makes freinds with someone near the front of the line and thay might lets you in behind them :p


Nothing to be done
Very, very low. My local electronics stores weren't taking any reservations. I got there at 7:30 this morning, and the store opened at 9:00. I met two of my friends that had been there since 6:30. Even with thier 6:30 arrival, they were five or six spots in line behind the twenty-four people who recieved a Wii. I suppose I'll just have to pester the store about when thier next shipment arrives.


10/5, people were lined up at 5:00a.m. to get one...
I hope my parents pre-ordered


I'd say pretty good if you live in a small or medium-sized town. My local Target got 60 Wiis in stock. My Dad and I showed up at 6:00 AM, one hour before they passed out tickets, and I was number 35.