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What are peoples fav fire poke?


Cyper King
What are everyones favourite fire pokemon?

Personally i think that Maracago is the best.

P.s Sorry if there is already a thread like this!

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Well this is hard... I like Buuburn, Houndoom, Arcanine, and Hiidaron.... I have to say it's a tie between Arcanine and Buuburn


Furret rocks
My favourite is Charizard.


Ninetales! FTW! Especially its shiny. I so want to trade someone for one. o.0;


The Plot Thickens
Hiidoran, oh yeah.

Metal Force

Arcanine, simply I like it's looks and power/speed with E speed lol.

EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken


Well-Known Member
OMG BLAZIKEN PLZ!!!111111111111111


Actually, it's Flareon. All hail its bootay wiggling in 3D.


Confusion is bliss
im a say flareon....great attack/special defense


Cyper King
yeah, ive now taken a liking to arcinine know cause it looks cool!