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What are the official names of the main characters and the rival?

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Demonic Warrior
I plan to make a g/s/c sprite comic eventually, just wondering if anyone knows their names. Thanks in advance

Note: I mean both main characters, including the girl from crystal

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
I'm not sure what Silver's name is but I do know Gold's and Crystal's.

Gold : Kenta
Crystal : Marina


Well-Known Member
Um, I already answered that. -___-;;

And no, I'm afraid I don't know the name of the rival. >.<;; I'm not sure if there even IS one. o.o;

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
Scrap said:
Um, I already answered that. -___-;;

Sorry... I was doing some research before I replied... damn I'm slow at typing... -_-;;;;;


Staff member
ChronaMew said:
They didn't say it in the anime or anything?
No they didn't, although he has several fan-made names, I think one of them is Kamon. His only real name is Silver.


Dragon Master
Those are the anime names for them really, but they are better. You can find their real name by selecting end when you have no characters selected when you are giving them your own name.

I believe it's:
Gold (the main character), Silver (rival), Crystal (the girl) and Chris if you are a boy on Crystal. You probably should use the anime ones though because the in-game ones are rather plain.


yeah i only know gold and crystals but they already told you...


Well-Known Member
Chaos is right, one of the rival's made-up fan names is Kamon (or Kanon, not entirely sure which one. :/ )

+Chaos Blade+

There is no 'official' name.

You can call the hero AAAAAA
The heroine BBBBBB
The rival XP:38D for all I care.

It doesn't matter what you call it, because whatever you do call it makes it the real name.

To aid you, the commonly used names are Kamon, Kenta, and Marina in Jp., and Gold, Silver, and Crys in Eng.

+Chaos Blade+


Well, actually, the anime given name for the boy is Yoshi and the Girl Dani. The rivle, I just call him Ethan.

But, in the game the boys name is Taylor and the Gril is Kris, or well that's what I call them.

Basically, call them what ever.

As always, be kind to the mime.


UofM Varsity Pokemon
The girl is Marina?

thats awsome... I love Mischeif Makers... Ultra intergalactic cybot-g Marina!!!!!!!!!


You're Illegal
You Fu**** Can!

Dark Venusaur said:
;003;I thought you could name your Rival;003;
You can, its just they guy is woundering what their officail names are, I still think its:
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