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what are your next scheduled pokemon video game(S)

My next schedule pokemon video game(S) are:

Pokemon ranger. october 30th


Pokemon diamond & pearl. Spring 2007

and (if i get the nintendo Wii next year)

Pokemon battle revolution. winter 2007

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
I'm probably going to save up some money to get a used copy of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, as well as a used GC/GBA link cable. I'll probably be annoyed by the "Shadow Pokémon" thing just like in Colosseum, but hey, it's cheaper to get a legit Mawile on my Leaf Green this way than by buying Ruby or Emerald, a link cable, and another GBA. =P

Horn Drill

I'm low on cash, so I'm just going to have to wait until DP come out before I can buy any new games. Even then, I'll only be able to buy one. Let's cross our fingers for a surprise DP Christmas release! :D lol