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What attack do you think Haruka´s Squirtle will learn?


Well-Known Member
What attack do you think Haruka´s Squirtle is going to learn?

Well, maybe is too risky making this a bare fact, but various of Haruka´s Pokémon (and Pikachu too) learns attacks that can´t learn by Level - Up, for example:

*Haruka´s Skitty´s Blizzard
*Haruka´s Bulbasaur´s Petal Dance
*Haruka´s Munchlax´s Solarbeam

As the title indicates, my question is:
What attack do you think Haruka´s Squirtle is going to learn?

Well, after watching the Pokédex and considering the fact that the attack must be useful in a Contest I think Haruka´s Squirtle is gonna learn Water Pulse or Icy Wind, what do you think?


Enflamed to the end
its probably going to learn something out rageous that will suprise and enrage most people like pursuit or thunderbolt o_O most likely fake tears


Original Pokeshipper
enflamedsteelix said:
its probably going to learn something out rageous that will suprise and enrage most people like pursuit or thunderbolt o_O most likely fake tears

Maybe Hydropump or skullbash. Who knows?

Lovely May

Probably something strong.

Maybe Bubblebeam (isn't strong but can be good) or Hydro Pump...

We must be patient^^ I think, her Squirtle is a baby and must learn a lot about battles ^^


May's Squirtle already knows Bubblebeam, it used it in the Kingdom of Onix episode. I think Squirtle will learn Hydro Pump by spinning with it's shell like Ash's Squirtle, it would make a good appeal. Or maybe even Blizzard, that would also make a cool appeal.

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
I'm not sure. I predict it will be something different than attacks that Ash's squitle did.
Ash's Bulbasaur = Razor leaf
May's bulbasaur= Petal Dance
Ash's Snorlax= Hyper Beam
May's Munchlax= Solar Beam
May usually has attacks similar to the moves Ash has on his pokemon except they're different.
So I'll predict Water Pulse, Hydro Cannon Or Aurora Beam.
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Original Pokeshipper
ghost master said:
I'm not sure. I predict it will be something different than attacks that Ash's squitle did.
Ash's Bulbasaur = Razor leaf
May's bulbasaur= Petal Dance
Ash's Snorlax= Hyper Beam
May's Munchlax= Solar Beam
May usually has attacks similar to the moves Ash has on his pokemon except they're different.

Hmmm....I guess thats true. Maybe it will be something like Mega Kick or Mega Punch?


Yes let's give Squirtle Bubblebeam.

Uh, how about no? We get enough of that from Corphish. It already has Bubble, it doesn't need another.

Hydro Pump = No. It's too young and inexperienced to learn an attack that Ash's Squirtle took a longish time to learn. (From the time Ash caught it to the Rudy battle.)

Hydro Cannon = Also no. If they didn't show Charizard with Blast Burn, what makes you think we'll see Squirtle with Hydro Cannon? :|

Any future suggestion of Iron Tail = NO

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
how about water Gun simple and easy to but yet powerful(!) :D


Well-Known Member
I think only Blastoise can get hydro cannon.

Water pulse seems to be a popular anime attack.


blaze boy said:
how about water Gun simple and easy to but yet powerful(!) :D

No. Just... no. Every single Water Pokemon EVER knows Water Gun. We've had to put up with that overpowered and annoying attack for the last 7 or so years, and I'm not willing to put up with it again. D:


Original Pokeshipper
Alfonso said:
No. Just... no. Every single Water Pokemon EVER knows Water Gun. We've had to put up with that overpowered and annoying attack for the last 7 or so years, and I'm not willing to put up with it again. D:

I may not have been on the thread long, but I dont want to see a simple attack as watergun being shown as Squirtles main attack. I want something unusual, like anything Alfonso can think of. :D


Well-Known Member
Either Bite, Protect or Rain Dance. I doubt Rain Dance or Protect would be used, but it's possible. Bite would be a good move, but maybe it could be learnt in one of May's contests, maybe her 3rd one.

Edit: I agree with Vaporeon89, an egg move would be a good idea.


Yeah, ok!
Ash's Squirtle knows Hydro Pump and Skull Bash, so they may avoid giving May's Squirtle those moves as well.

Although it seems both Squirtle know Bubblebeam apparently.


Contaminated KFC
How about Rapid Spin? Its been done before with a number of pokémon, but I wouldn't mind as it would give her Squirtle a decent (ish) physical attack~
Its either that or they could go and give it Dig.