I know there's a threat about "Why do people think pokemon is going downhill" but I thought this was different enough to warrant it's own thread.
Why do you like a particular design concept behind some pokemon (natural and simple, natural exotic, ornamental pokemon, etc)? Do you favor one style over another or do you just pick some of each?
I prefer pokemon who are of a more 'natural' design. So pokemon like Muk, Voltorb, Magnemite, Beldum, Nosepass, etc. I consider to be 'bad'. The designs are ok, I can see what they're trying to do, but I don't really like them. Mostly because I have a hard time 'getting into' a team that I can't see actually existing, or where the idea came from.
On the other hand, some 'natural' designs are 'just bad' to me as well. Pinsir, Walrein and Staraptor for example. I have reasons why I don't like them as well. I always felt like pinsir should have been less bland, colorwise, and the horns should have been more slicey-cutty instead of grabby-crushy.
I think each generation has a style. Gen 1 was more 'natural/simple'. Gen 2 was a bit more 'natural/exotic'. Gen 3 was definitely a bit 'foreign/exotic' with pokemon looking more 'exotic' and slightly ornamental.
Then we have Gen 4 which I think was 'foreign/ornamental' with a lot of pokemon having relatively useless appendages. Not to kick up the old debate, but I cite Electrivire as a good example. He suddenly gets shaggy and mean looking with all sorts of things sticking off him that aren't explained, or don't make a lot of sense. They just don't seem necessary I guess.
In nature, unnecessary things aren't usually that common or at least that noticeable. We have a pinky toe, which arguably isn't necessary, but it's really small. Not all things unnecessary are small though, we have a lot of hair that isn't strictly necessary.
I think for Gen 5 they're going more with concepts than with actual existing ideas. The ghost chandelier, the evil snowflake thing, the ice-cream cone looking thing, the return of a muk-a-like.
They're not BAD designs, in fact they're really good designs! I just don't like some of the more ornamental ones. Is it nostalgic of me, stupid even, to prefer the more simple designs? To be able to explain, in words, without saying 'because it sucks', why I like it?
Also: Please try not to fight about things in this thread. This is purely a discussion about what you like and why you like it, not who's preference is better! Please keep that in mind.
Note: Unless they're hating on my Glaceon, then tear them apart for me.
Why do you like a particular design concept behind some pokemon (natural and simple, natural exotic, ornamental pokemon, etc)? Do you favor one style over another or do you just pick some of each?
I prefer pokemon who are of a more 'natural' design. So pokemon like Muk, Voltorb, Magnemite, Beldum, Nosepass, etc. I consider to be 'bad'. The designs are ok, I can see what they're trying to do, but I don't really like them. Mostly because I have a hard time 'getting into' a team that I can't see actually existing, or where the idea came from.
On the other hand, some 'natural' designs are 'just bad' to me as well. Pinsir, Walrein and Staraptor for example. I have reasons why I don't like them as well. I always felt like pinsir should have been less bland, colorwise, and the horns should have been more slicey-cutty instead of grabby-crushy.
I think each generation has a style. Gen 1 was more 'natural/simple'. Gen 2 was a bit more 'natural/exotic'. Gen 3 was definitely a bit 'foreign/exotic' with pokemon looking more 'exotic' and slightly ornamental.
Then we have Gen 4 which I think was 'foreign/ornamental' with a lot of pokemon having relatively useless appendages. Not to kick up the old debate, but I cite Electrivire as a good example. He suddenly gets shaggy and mean looking with all sorts of things sticking off him that aren't explained, or don't make a lot of sense. They just don't seem necessary I guess.
In nature, unnecessary things aren't usually that common or at least that noticeable. We have a pinky toe, which arguably isn't necessary, but it's really small. Not all things unnecessary are small though, we have a lot of hair that isn't strictly necessary.
I think for Gen 5 they're going more with concepts than with actual existing ideas. The ghost chandelier, the evil snowflake thing, the ice-cream cone looking thing, the return of a muk-a-like.
They're not BAD designs, in fact they're really good designs! I just don't like some of the more ornamental ones. Is it nostalgic of me, stupid even, to prefer the more simple designs? To be able to explain, in words, without saying 'because it sucks', why I like it?
Also: Please try not to fight about things in this thread. This is purely a discussion about what you like and why you like it, not who's preference is better! Please keep that in mind.
Note: Unless they're hating on my Glaceon, then tear them apart for me.