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What did U think of your fave pokemon when you 1st saw it?

What did U think of UR fave poke when you 1st saw it?

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Well-Known Member
What did U think of your fave pokemon when you 1st saw it? i saw registeel and thought it was kinda creepy! then realised it was cute and liked it more. then i saw jindai's face, well, that's another story. i've loved neorantu since the word neorantu was invented! what about you guys? ;457; ;379;

****ing. Sombrero.Wearing.Dancing.Mexican.Pineapple.Duck.



YOUR best friend
My favorite is Electrode, and I was all like... "COO-UHL!!!" Yeah. I liked it. It didn't make it to my list of favorites until much later though, because as a twelve/thirteen-year-old, my favorite list consisted of... Pikachu, Charmander, Vulpix, Eevee, Mew, Flareon, Meowth and you get the picture.

Pikachu, Charmander and Mew are still on my list o' faves, by the way.


Procrastinate Today!
I don't really have one favortie pokemon, but my general favorites I usually like right away (Mewtwo, Lucario, Swampert). Others grow on me (Mojambo :) )


Well-Known Member
When I first saw Mawile, I thought it looked funny. So that's my first impression. Then after snagging one on XD, it grew on me. So now I like Mawile.

Then there's Zugaidos/Rampaldo. The Pachycephalosaurus is my favorite dinosaur, it was also my very first dinosaur toy (while most other young boys had T-Rexes). Then after seeing Zugaidos, I was all like "omfg yay!". Then I found out its evolved form has 165 base attack, so then I was like "omfg yay!".
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Musical Insomnia


When PKMN first came out B4 the first movie when they had the little toys,I got one and it was Kabuto and i didnt like it so my brother had a Psyduck and i was like O THATS SO AWESOME so i told him to go get me some fries and while he was gone i stole his PKMN and it was my favorite for a while...but now i hate him

Pokemaníaco Desesperado

Normal Coordinator
With pidgeot: 'hey, I like those feathers!' And after reading its pokedex entry 'hmm, it looks fast, strong and cool'

And with gardevoir: I first saw the pictures for its evolution chain 'Hmm, I'm sure they are 100% female and psychic ghost. They look interesting to use, too bad they'll sure come later in the game in a ghost house'
I failed almost everything xD


Well-Known Member
with Manectric: at the first time he looks scary and i was afraid of him but now he's my buddy :D

and sceptile: first he looks ugly but now he is also my best buddy XD


Well-Known Member
*watching a YouTube clip of someone with a Japanese Sapphire*

*sees Metagross*


*Barry Manilow plays*


Contaminated KFC
Well, I know my eyes opened real wide when I first saw the sprite. The fact that they actually made a fighting chicken was one thing, but the fact that it was a fighting chicken that weilded an element that most edible fowl try to steer clear from blew my mind. BLOO. MAI. MINE. DUH.
So basically, it was a case of Insta-U-Like.

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
I thought 'Hey, it's a weird bluey green thing with four legs and a bulb on its back.'

Picking it as a starter was more random than anything but hey, these things happen.


Shikamaru Fan!
I loved it it's one of the main reasons why I like pokemon to this day it got me into it! Thank u Charizard and pikachu!


Bird trainer
Sneasel: *Opens magazine* 'That's my favourite Pokémon!' Seriously, no more complicated than that.

Suicune: *Sees GS sprite* 'That's pretty...and I think it's a legend too....that's cool.'

Murkrow: God knows. Probably something like 'that's one of the Dark types? Cool.'

Houndoom: Again, can't remember. No doubt along the lines of Murkrow, though I only started considering it a 'favourite' a lot later on.

Perap: OMG parrot Pokémon!!!



i've loved Milotic from the first time i saw it
then i saw Gardevoir...i thought she was pretty...nothing more. then i had to have her in my team and i loved her more and more for everytime i saw her ^__^ and now she's my favorite, she's even better than Milotic! i never thought that would happen!


Manene: When I first saw it, I said "Why the heck is that clown with ice cream on it's head a Pokemon?", But now I love it.^_^;

Buizeru: "Aww, That's adoreble! 'Bout time they made an otter Pokemon!"

Rizaadon: "Wow, That's a cool Pokemon!"


Lati@s: On a coloured-in page. I said: "Hey! Those two look like Lugia. Maybe they the (pre)evo's of it... They look cool and cute for me." After i saw the movie, fan-made videos and some images on google, they behavior and looks attracs me... Now they my fav Pokémon.

Mew: I like cat-likes and real cats. I saw Mew. The first time in the 1st movie. I said: "Hehe! Cool cute cat Pokémon. and it's a legendary i never seen before in the anime and Pokérap"

Umbreon: It's also a cat-like Pokémon to me. I'ts dark colors and red eyes are to cool for me. I said: "Wow! what an awesome looking for a Dark-type from an Eeveelution."

I have also seen the 1st Kanto Pokémon Pikachu and Bulbasaur but the rest is too much too say. But i got more favorite Pokémon because i go for the looks and behavior.
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Shayden XD

Erureido: Awesome a male kirlia evo!!!!

Buizeru: Guess what I thought............