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What did you chose first Ruby/saphire or/emerald

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As me i chose ruby first I am just wondering what you chose first ;212;


you amaze me.
I got mine totally just out of no where but anyway I got Ruby....

Diamond and Pearl


Back I guess??
sapphire in my B-day too.


Psephophthalmus artu
i got both ruby and sapphire a few months after they came out, and i started playing ruby, unfortunately i lost it and didnt find it again for 2 yrs so in that time i ahd plenty of time to play sapphire
i was gonna make ruby my main version but switched cuz i lost ruby lol


Well-Known Member
I got my Sapphire on the same day it came out in the states but lost it for an extremely long time awhile after. I got Ruby for Easter 2 years ago (well, 1 and a half), and I got Emerald on the day it came out as well. I haven't lost it, too.
Ruby was my first game of this 3rd Generation. I then got Sapphire, and finally, Emerald. :D


I got Sapphire when my father randomly suggested that me and my sister could get a new game. At the time Sapphire and Ruby were quite popular where I live.

I got Ruby so I could fill up my pokedex but I ended giving up to one of my friends.

Last of all, I got Emerald when I had enough money to buy or begged my father..... I can't exactly remember why I got Emerald >.>

Timid Kyogre

Endangered Creature
I got Sapphire and my brother got Ruby, cause I like Water Pokemon and he likes Fire Pokemon. When Emerald came out we both got Emerald ^_^

~Timid Kyogre

Talons Fury

i got sap for christmas while bro got ru, now im getting em for christmas


I picked up a Japanese Sapphire cartridge about two months after it's initial release in Japan. I picked up an American copy on the day of release in the U.S.


I wanted Sapphire for my birthday but my brother pulled the whole "It's MY birthstone so I want Sapphire!" so I had to get Ruby. I got Emerald 4 days after it came out.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
I got ruby (US import) as a gift for completeing my SATs at school, then I had to get a replacement ruby cos my bro's friend threw it out the window, then I got sapphire for my Birthday, then I got emerald with my pocket money.


I had ruby ages ago, then I traded it in because it was boring me. I have emerald now, thats way better with Battle Frontier and everything.

Evanji Axu

I got Emerald, because it's best of both worlds^^ It was a reward for getting an A on an Algreba II test (my worst subject)
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