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What did you name your player?


Flame Sabre

First time I went with Ash.

Then I reset it and went with Yoshi, before reseting it again and finally being content with Gold. :p


Well-Known Member
i usually name my player after me, Leon


Mightyena Master
leon?cool name!
I was a girl and named myself crystal!
stop looking at my post like that!
i liked having a blue lapras!instead of red when you surf!


Burn bright & strong
I name it Leon.(My real name)
I always name all my Main Characters Leon.
Nick.......well I didn't name him. Someone gave me the game and that's the name they gave him.....


Well-Known Member
thanks EX Kyogre, didnt know other ppl were called leon, always thot it was an obscure name.
anyway ON TOPIC, i usually name the female character after my current girlfriend, even if they look nothing alike. except on colloseum when i because she sorta looks like my girlfriend, but with shorter hair. (i apologise for the spammy part about colloseum girl)


Sea Ruby Trainer
I got my crystal game from a friend and he named the girl Czarina.
What? I like getting a easy girl starter Pokemon.


Rainbow Trainer
My players name in all of my games is B.k. because that is my nickname. If my character is a boy i name him Tyler after my friend.;249-d;


Gold: I'm Derek (I didn't remember there's a Pokéfan called Derek) and my rival's called Dimitri. Russian names... I should've typed Dimitri "Dmitri" and Derek should be Ivan instead. Yay.
Silver: My sis named them, Mozart is the player and Antonio is the rival. (W.A. Mozart and his foe Antonio Salieri... if the name's right)
Crystal: Girl's named Casey after the girl in anime, but I don't remember the rival's name. It was Dumbler-something.
I called my self Leon after the character Leon on Resident Evil!!

I am quite surprised on how many people are called Leon.... I thought it was a rare name!!


Wayfaring stranger
For my Rock monotype challenge on Gold, I named my character Ishi (it means "Rock"). Before him was McKinna, named after my character McCionnaith. In Silver, I'm KANJI, and in Crystal, KRIS.