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What did you name your rival & why?

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Washu's Lover
I named mine slash since he is an internet buddy of mine and I will never battle him in real life and like to imagine I am battling him.



Shiny Hunter
I named him Ian...lol...after 1 of my friends that just happened to pop into my head at the moment...


D/P Trainer
Gary vause he looks like gary and gary is cool.


[Insert Wacky Title]
Gary, since Oak's grandson is Gary. XD I couldn't be bothered naming him anything else >_<


Well-Known Member
Chris. 'Tis the name of my brother, who I've always thought of as a rival.


I'm Back
Ebanks. This horrible teacher I had in my last year at Middle School in Year 8.


Well-Known Member
I named him Gary, because if you see it, it's really Gary, and I can't imagine another name to him.
Natty, short name for nathaniel who is one of my best friends. Me and Him do get competitive so thats why i named my rival that name


Uhh', Gary, usually. Sometimes, I name 'em stupid names just for the sake of it. Like, l33tUb3r, UBERduDE or something. Quite funny when Oak goes all "Was it UBERduDE? Oh yeah, I remember now."


Don't Blink
Hehe, once when my Friend came round we christened him SNOGG ME for a laugh, so at the beginning it said SNOGG ME: Gramps! I'm fed up with waiting! XD But lately it's been Hippo for some unknown reason. Dunno why, it just stuck.:)



Hehe, once when my Friend came round we christened him SNOGG ME for a laugh, so at the beginning it said SNOGG ME: Gramps! I'm fed up with waiting! XD But lately it's been Hippo for some unknown reason. Dunno why, it just stuck.:)

i call him gary cuz well he IS gary
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