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what did you say to break gardevoirs cure?

i'm wondering what everyone said in this part of the game.
i said, "just a whim"
so, what did YOU say?


fredfredburger yes!
curse or cure? and when i the game? i forget can you tell me when it happened then i might remember.


fredfredburger yes!
oh... well first i have to get that far i am still trying to get suicune to transform that Wing.
:3 I was nice to Gengar about the answers. I said everything that I thought was good. Besides, he's my favorite character, I wouldn't want to say something that would piss him off XD
I pretended that he was nice, though I wanted to answer like he was evil.


Ultimate Marshtomp
Gah. I don't even know what you do to save Gardevoir. What do you do? I'd really like to help her/him/it (I don't know the gender. :p There aren't really any genders in this game).


Well-Known Member
i said just a whim because he told false rumors that i was the guy who abandonned gardevoir but he was the one who actually did, which is pathetic XD

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
I said nice things. But I wanted to say, "This thing is horrible! Make it stay a Pokemon and get drowned by a Kyorge!"
Aww. But Gengar can't die. He's a ghost type <3 He's already dead. My bishie can't be killed, for he is an adorable, purple, spikey-ball, ghost of love :3

And you have to feel sorry for him, at least a little. He truly was being sincere when he found out the curse couldn't be broken, no matter how you answered. He cried his poor, little ghostly heart out and meant every word that he said. I couldn't help but cry a little bit too at that part ;.; *sniffle* Poor Gengar....


fredfredburger yes!
yeah the bad guy actually cries in story mode....

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Aww. But Gengar can't die. He's a ghost type <3 He's already dead. My bishie can't be killed, for he is an adorable, purple, spikey-ball, ghost of love :3

And you have to feel sorry for him, at least a little. He truly was being sincere when he found out the curse couldn't be broken, no matter how you answered. He cried his poor, little ghostly heart out and meant every word that he said. I couldn't help but cry a little bit too at that part ;.; *sniffle* Poor Gengar....

I only cried after the credits. I do not. *imagines battle*

Alakazam vs. Gengar
Alakazam used Psychic!
Gengar fainted!

Ain't that happy?
Yes. He was a total *** in the story though. XD Abandoning Gardevoir, framing you and nearly getting you killed, stealing your mail and generally being a pest.

But he did change. Even though he didn't really admit it. He helped create the orb for you to get to Rayquaza, then saved you and your team after the meteor was destroyed. Then he came running to you for help after failing to get to Ninetales by himself to ask how to break Gardevoir's curse.

So, he can't be all bad. And he would get pwned by Alakazam XD Gengar is only like, level 15. If he were higher in level, he could pwn 'zam with a Shadow Ball.