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What do you play your 3rd Gen games on?

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
I usually use my DS. Lately I've used my old SP while I'm reseting for a shiny Mewtwo. When I trade between my own games I have to use my ancient GBA.

I pity the foo' who is still stuck with a GBA. =[
I use my Pikachu SP or DS Lite, I only use my GBA to trade or if I'm going somewhere as to not scratch my DS or SP


Arriving glacially.
I usually use my Black or White DS Lite.. but lately, I've been shiny hunting. I usually use my Black GBA when I soft reset, I just like how the Black GBA backlight works.


Queen of the Abyss
I play mines on my DS Lite(white),when I SR I do it on a GBA.


Well-Known Member
I play Leaf Green on my Gamecube, and (lately) most other games on my DS. I used to play everything on my GBA.


Rock/Thunder Trainer
Used to play everything on my GBA... It NEVER ran out of batteries. =P

But now I play 3rd gen games on SP. But, since I got Pearl, I only play it, on, of course, DS (No DS lite... Wah, only missing that and the first GB)


The new tuxedo look!
I have an advance and a sp, but my sister constantly uses the sp. So I'm stuck with the advance.


<~ Yo quiero!!
I used to use my old Gba to play my games, but I got a regular DS a couple weeks ago so now I use that for eveything, except trading, for that I have to use my old GBA and my Gameboy Player.