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What do you think is the best normal move out of these...

Best normal move

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hooray, it's Jetx!
Here are a bunch of normal moves, I'll tell you good things about all of them so read before you vote:
Hyper beam: vote me because if you have high speed and low defence you won't survive long so you might as well use me on your first and last turn! And think of the slakings people!
Strengh: If you have me I can do 160 power in 2 moves unlike hyper beam and I can be used out of battle!
Return: I can do a max of 208 power in 2 turns beat that hyper beam, strengh and body slam.
Body slam: I can do 170 power in 2 turns and may paralyze the foe now that is good!
Protect: You can't deny that I am the most irrating of them all especially when some one uses hyper beam or explosion and I'm good with dive,dig and fly!
Explosion: If you have good speed and low defence I'm the best because I can do 250 power in 1 turn which apart from hyper beam is double of everything.
Metronome: I can be any of those moves or better!
Other: Come on guys there are loads of moves better than those!
Haha Hyper Beam(alliteration alert). Slaking with Hyper Beam is even funnier. As if Truant didn't make it vulnerable enough ._.

That said, Return. Best Normal move period. Body Slam's a worthy contender, though.

The 8th Champion


~*CB*~ is totally right by saying that. Body Slam and Return are both very reliable moves, though Explosion is an option sometimes. Oh, and no, there are not a load of Normal-type moves better than those three. Metronome sucks because it's all chance out of [How many?] moves, Strength already loses to Body Slam, and Hyper Beam gets a compounded damage calculation of 75 per turn - less than even Strength. That plain sucks.
Return because it's completely widespread. Explosion is g0dly, but doesn't has much of a wide learn range, and has some sort of drawback (Even if it's used as a last resort anyway.). Body Slam is excellent too, and I'd prefer it if it wasn't for the lesser widespread. For most unSTABed purposes, Return is just better...

And Hyper Beam is major lol...


Calm And Hyper
i think it depends really on the pokemon and situation but i voted body slam as i use it the most and it can paralyse, although i agree that slash is just as good (and crush claw, aarghhhhhhhhhhh my head hurts)


Well-Known Member
metronome! its so fun to use it! youll never know what will come up! (iv gotten a sacred fire from a togepi once....)

Masa Mune

Thunder Trainer
Double Edge. It's accurate, and on a pokemon like Aggron when it takes no recoil, I can put most things down in two attacks. And let's face it, when the user doesn't take recoil and you're using something with 100% accuracy with the strength of Hyper beam and no turn missed... you don't get much better for a normal move.

However, all special cases aside, I say Slash. Quick, efficient and good critical rate turn out. Return is good, but keeping your pokemon in high enough spirits is a hassle. It's best on friendship pokemon, but let's face it, who wants Return on Crobat when he has better strategic moves? And I don't know about you but I like to keep Pikachu on specials, same with Togetic. What's that, I missed a friendship evolution? That's because I like to pretend Jigglypuff doesn't exist
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The Queen
I chose Return, even though most of those attacks are great. Here's why. First, Hyper Beam has you miss a tunr afterwards, in both contest and battle, so even though it's powerful, you could be in danger. I was never a big Strength user. Body Slam...it's a nice attack and causes paralysis, but I'd always choose something else when in a contest. I was never big on Protect...there's just no use to it, IMO. Metronome...excellent attack, but it's too random. What if you get Splash? That's a wasted turn right there. And Explosion is good, but it attacks everyone is a double battle, including your partner. o_O;;
So Return it is. It's an attack that really has people get closer to their Pokemon and train them for battle. In contest, it can be used in any genre and still adds to the crowd meter. So Return it is.


I voted for other, as I love a Rock Headed Double Edge the best. But, Return is also VERY good on Slaking, Ursaring, and Snorlax!

Normal trainer

I love return and then double edge and sometimes metronome is also helpful.


Well-Known Member
Metronome is my favorite because it's so fun to use!


'tis a penguin...
WEEEEE!!!!!!!!!slash+focus energy+scope lens and rock head double edge those are fun

(insert really fast high attk and scope lends here)
above pokemon used swords dance 3 times
above pokemon used focus energy
above pokemon used slash critical hit

(this happens 6 times over)
S-H-U-P-P-E-T said:
Well duh, its Hyper Beam
Care to elaborate?

The 8th Champion
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