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What do you think is the capital of Kanto?

What is the capital of Kanto?

  • Pallet Town

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • Viridian City

    Votes: 6 8.1%
  • Pewter City

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cerulean City

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Vermilion City

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • Lavender Town

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Celadon City

    Votes: 20 27.0%
  • Saffron City

    Votes: 46 62.2%
  • Fuchsia City

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Cinnabar Island

    Votes: 2 2.7%

  • Total voters


What do you think is the capital of Kanto?

I think Saffron City is the capital of Kanto because it is based on Tokyo which is the capital of Japan. Another reason is that Saffron is pretty big, has 2 gyms, and the Silph Co. is found there.

I want to hear what you guys think is the capital of Kanto and if this has been discuss before, please close this thread.


I would agree with Saffron.

It also appears to be in a central location.


Well-Known Member
Pallet Town,Thats where all the trainers get there starters


Well-Known Member
Who The Hell Said Pallet Town!!! Its Name Is Pallet "town"!!!!..oh i just saw it was togetic..dude thats where Prof.Oak lives!! not like theres some organization that says u must live there or sumtin!! His choice or sumtin and bsides it wuldnt make it the capital anywayz!! PS: Milotic the 2 gyms rnt really gym gym's one is like a little training gym cuz u dont get a badge and hes extremely easy..while the actual gym gym Sabrina is stronger and on the map theres only 8 badges with the fighting old man itll b 9 :| sry for like spazzing alot im hyper right now!!
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Saffron same as most of you guys but it is because it has 4 ways to get into the town! Most have 2 or 3. Plus it has the most homes in the Kanto ( i think, correct me if iam wrong) Also the president is there so it has to be

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
I say Indigo Plateau, because that's where the Pokemon Leauge, the leading trainers, have their headquarters.

Sparky:Electric Guardian

< Me and Pokedolls
Saffron.If you see the map you will notice that its like in the middle.


Happy Meganium

a love like this
I would say Saffron City is Kanto's capitol. It is a very large city and is well-known throughout the games and the anime. And hello, it is the home of Silph Co. X3


The Master...
i will be the 1 of a kind and say fuchsia cuz its got the safari zone and the rarest pokes to catch are there

Pkmn Trainer Gold

League Champion
I think it's either Saffron, Pallet, or Celadon
Saffron-It's in the middle of Kanto, it has Silph Co., and it has a dojo
Pallet- Prof. Oaks lab is there.
Celadon- mall, rocket game corner, and it is also huge


Lopunny's puns pwn.
Hmm... I would have to say Saffron. It is a major city, having Silph Co. in it and all... and, and someone said before me, it seems to be in a central location, being surrounded by Lavender Town, Vermilion City, Celadon City, and Cerulean City. (Ooh, run-on sentence. =0 )
It probably would have to be Saffron, given that it is so large, has so many buildings, and is surrounded by four gates, which tend to give it extra importance.


Well-Known Member
I think it's Celeadon City, it got Poke Dept Store, Gym, Casino, and more, and just because Saffron is the middle DOESN'T mean it's captial!