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What do you think of my Porygon2?

(I know this Porygon2 is useless against Poison/Steel, but that's why you have five other Pokemon)

Porygon2 ;233;
Nature: Timid
Item: Lum Berry

Conversion 2

USAGE: Of course the starting attack would be Toxic. When I find the perfect opportunity, I'll use Conversion 2 to gain resistance. If my HP is nicked at all, I'll use Recover. It doesn't have Leftovers, because I have status to contend with. If I am afflicted with status, then Lum Berry will cure it, then I will use Recycle to get Lum Berry back. In other words, status problems will have no effect on me.

(Comments should be posted here or at the Good Eye, Mudkip! tips page)

Brute Root

I'm a Christian
Well....i cant give ya much of a rate if i don't know about your other pokemon....by himself i guess Porygon2 is ok...i honestly have no idea b/c i've never had one.
Taunt bait. Can't do jack to Poison or Steel types.

Modest Nature @ Leftovers
Ice Beam
Thunder Wave


I have a regular porygon like the one Choas sugested but it has solarbeam instead of thunder wave and it rocks

Seriously solarbeam on porygon ._.;

Pogey used move.
Porygon is taking in sunlight.
Pogey used move.
Porygon fainted.



Good Eye said:
(I know this Porygon2 is useless against Poison/Steel, but that's why you have five other Pokemon)

Porygon2 ;233;
Nature: Timid
Item: Lum Berry

Conversion 2

USAGE: Of course the starting attack would be Toxic. When I find the perfect opportunity, I'll use Conversion 2 to gain resistance. If my HP is nicked at all, I'll use Recover. It doesn't have Leftovers, because I have status to contend with. If I am afflicted with status, then Lum Berry will cure it, then I will use Recycle to get Lum Berry back. In other words, status problems will have no effect on me.

(Comments should be posted here or at the Good Eye, Mudkip! tips page)

Hmm, Taunt>this thing so include one attacking move.

Porygon2 @ Lum Berry
Trait: Trace
EVs: 217 special attack, 184 special defence, 103 hp, 6 defence
Modest Nature
- Conversion Two
- Recycle
- Recover
- Psychic/Thunderbolt/HP Fire/Ice Beam

Tell us the rest of your team. Your strategy is great, just keep using your attacking move until you find a good time for recycle/recover/conversion two.

IMPORTANT: My EVs are experimental. There are probably other spreads that work much better.
4 EVs are equal to one stat point.


retnea said:
There are probably other spreads that work much better.
There are. I'm surprised, to say the least, the chaos952 didn't post this, but for the standard, (the one he posted), this is the spread: 228 HP/174 Def./108 SAtk.
He didn't ask for EVs, so I didn't post them. :)


prophecy fulfilled
conversion is pointless, it is pure novelty, just like blast burn and friends


Hyper Coordinator
Porygon used Conversion (1 or 2)
Pokemon used move
Porygon used recover
Pokemon used Taunt
Porygon used Ice Beam
Pokemon used Sub

in every single way, that pory fails... sry

Chaos's set is far by the best


prophecy fulfilled
return / body slam
ice beam

is a nice alternitive

golden sceptile

Leaf Blade Power
Even better!

Porygon2 needs...

Modest Nature
Chesto berry
max HP and SP attack

ice beam
thunder bolt

Stragety:KO enemy with TB or IB if weak use rest and CBerry if getting weak use recycle and rest again you will be unstopable.
golden sceptile said:
Porygon2 needs...

Modest Nature
Chesto berry
max HP and SP attack

ice beam
thunder bolt

Stragety:KO enemy with TB or IB if weak use rest and CBerry if getting weak use recycle and rest again you will be unstopable.

No, just no. ChestoResting fails so much it makes Shuckle look usable, Recycle doesn't do anything if you can't live long enough to use it. Recover>Rest because it DOESN'T leave you incapacitated for two turns. Rest is only for Pokémon that have the Defenses and HP to live through it, like Claydol, Skarmory, Suicune, and Snorlax.

The 8th Champion