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What do you think of this Lugia?

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it shone! ^_^
2 year old thread gets bumped >> /Closedand Infraction for Jaguar297 - Willow

I'm currently in the process of acquiring a Lugia from Navel Rock; do you think this would be a good set-up for it?

Bold nature
252 hp; 252 def; 6 spe
Something/Aeroblast (for D/P)
Calm mind

I'm not too sure what EV's to give it; but since it has calm mind I didn't think there'd be any point putting EV's in its special stats.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Psychic / T-Bolt
- Ice Beam / T-Bolt
- Recover

EVs: 252 Def / 212 HP / 46 Spec. Def


I agree with that guy. Actually, I really don't. I gave my lugia scope lens instead of leftovers and hardy instead of bold. But I wasn't in control, I got it on XD. Aeroblast, Psycho Boost, Hydro pump, and earthquake. I'm a flat-out attacker kinda guy. I mean, what if you use calm mind like a million times and you are invincible in special stats, but the enemy just uses roar and resets all your stats?

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Lugia's not exactly built to be an all out attacker either.


it shone! ^_^
Thanks for all your suggestions. ^_^

I finally got my bold Lugia (which didn't end up coming from Navel Rock, as it was taking to long to find one with the right nature...)

Anyway, its IV's are:

HP: 19
Att: 18
Def: 25
SpA: 16
SpD: 29
Speed: 24

As you can see; nice defences and speed, bad special attack (but hopefully calm mind will make up for that).

And its HP is Fire 31. If only it was Fire 70, it could have been a good replacement move for Aeroblast.

It's annoying that Lugia doesn't learn flamethrower, since I don't think it learns any other moves to combat steel types. >_>


Good Eye Sniper
You should definitely put some speed on it since its good in it and you're going to need some when you plan on using him as a x-factor.



With 232 Spd EVs, you beat every Kyogre/Groudon in the game and with 124 Spd, you beat every Kyogre/Groudon without a +Spd Nature.


Well-Known Member
I like the set idea. It's pretty typical but it works.

In-game you can use Psychic/filler, but if you're going up against ubers make it Ice Beam/Thunderbolt for better type coverage.
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