Do you think any Pokemon's types should be different? Like, why is Gyarados flying, and why is there no pure Flying type?
Here is my list:
Gyarados- Water/Dragon
Clefairy- Psychic
Clefable- Psychic
Bulbasaur- Grass
Ivysaur- Grass
Suicune- Ice
Korinku final evo- Electric/Dark
Perap- Flying
Farfetch'd- Fighting/Flying
Shroomish- Grass/Poison
Manaphy- Water/Psychic
Dunsparce- Ground
(I didnt put all the Normal/Flying types cause theres too many)
Post your ideas!
Here is my list:
Gyarados- Water/Dragon
Clefairy- Psychic
Clefable- Psychic
Bulbasaur- Grass
Ivysaur- Grass
Suicune- Ice
Korinku final evo- Electric/Dark
Perap- Flying
Farfetch'd- Fighting/Flying
Shroomish- Grass/Poison
Manaphy- Water/Psychic
Dunsparce- Ground
(I didnt put all the Normal/Flying types cause theres too many)
Post your ideas!