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What do you think Pokemon's type SHOULD be?

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Rev up those fryers
Do you think any Pokemon's types should be different? Like, why is Gyarados flying, and why is there no pure Flying type?
Here is my list:

Gyarados- Water/Dragon
Clefairy- Psychic
Clefable- Psychic
Bulbasaur- Grass
Ivysaur- Grass
Suicune- Ice
Korinku final evo- Electric/Dark
Perap- Flying
Farfetch'd- Fighting/Flying
Shroomish- Grass/Poison
Manaphy- Water/Psychic
Dunsparce- Ground
(I didnt put all the Normal/Flying types cause theres too many)

Post your ideas!
this has already been done

and WHY should bulbasaur lose its poison type?

its a poison type as much as muk is. Ever heard of poisonous plants? Bulbasaur etc is one.


Eevee of the day.
Groundon should be part fire, just because.


Plasmoid Trainer
Solrock- Fire/Cosmic
Lunatone- Psychic/Cosmic
Deoxys- Psychic/Cosmic

Most likely.. and...

Goukazaru- Normal/Fire (Get rid of the repeat type >>)

()s tell all.

absol attacker

go, my army!
perrap and togetic should be the only normal/flying, since sound and light types don't exist.
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Well-Known Member
There is already a thread like this.
But, what the heck.
Groudon: Fire/Ground
Kyogre: Water/Ground
Psyduck: Water/Psychic


Rev up those fryers
Oh, yeah forgot about about Psyduck and Golduck.

And I know there used to be a thread like this, but it was closed.

absol attacker

go, my army!
you realize that if groudon were fire/ground, not even solarbeam would even the scale against kyogre?


Cyper King
Ledyba+ledian: Bug/Normal


Well-Known Member
So here we go... the 11th time that I am posting the reason why Gyarados is Water/Flying. You know you love it really.

Both Magikarp and Gyarados are based on an ages old Japanese myth. This myth stars a weak, defenceless carp who is left on his own... just like how Magikarp is. One day the carp comes across a waterfall and wonders if he has the strength to prove to himself that he can scale it. Sure enough... the carp did. This was watched over by the Gods, who then turned the carp into a majestic flying serpent as a reward. This serpent being of the flying sort is the reason why Gyarados is Water/Flying.

He does not look like a dragon because that is how serpents look to the Chinese/Japanese. He does not learn flying attacks because in the myth the serpent abused his power with destruction... so therefore Gyarados' movepool contains various "destructive" moves. So he cannot fly in the anime, his mythical counterpart did... so voila. Gyarados is Water/Flying, not Water/Dragon and never will be the latter either.

Pee ess. Groudon is the continent Pokemon, since when have we lived on fire?


GHoST Master
first of all dunsparse should be ground or dragon
mawile ---> steel/dark
torkoal---> fire/rock (it should be magcargo's evo)
glaile---> ice\dark
pochama---> water\ice (it's a pinguine though)
hipopotasu---> ground\water (it's a hipo it must live in water)
elikeble---> electrik\fighter
yonowaaru---> ghost\fighter (it knows shadow punch and it has big hands)
and that's it... i just agree with most of pokemon types cuz they really make sense


Strawberry fields.
Goldeen/ Seaking = Water/Dragon

Yanma/ Megayanma = Bug/Dragon

Shuckle - Bug/Steel
If the earlier thread was closed, what makes you think this will fare any better?


KarpeDiem Rules!
I think Zubat/ Golbat/ Crobat poison and dark type
Elekible also steel
Azurill water
Porygons electric
Tyranitar rock and ground or ground and dark
Shiftry grass and flying
Cacnea ground
Castform should get a sandstorm form
Glalie ice and rock or ice and dark

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Groundon should be part fire, just because.
I can see your point, but then he would have TWO weaknesses to kyogre.

Gyarados should NOT be dragon!

There are some kind of legend that explains why.
I dont know it, but i know that it exists.

My ideas:
Porygon: psychic
Psyduck/golduck: Water/psychic
Beedrill: Bug/steel (look at the forelegs) w. poison point.
Vulpix/ninetales: Fire/ghost
NidranF line: Poison fight
Bellsprout line: Grass/dark
Geodude line: Rock
Onix: Rock
Steelix: steel
Doduo/dodrio: normal (ostriches cant fly)
Cubone/marowak: Ground/ghost
Gastly line: ghost
Azurill: water
Krabby/Kingler: Water/steel
Scyther: bug or bug/steel
Jynx: psychic
Kabuto/kabutops: rock or rock/steel
Totodile line: water/dark
Hoothoot/noctowl: psychic/flying
Ledyba/ledian: bug/fight
Sunflora: Grass/fire
Yanma: Bug/dragon
Donphan: Ground/rock
Mudkip line: Water (i get why they are ground, but it ruins the starter triangle.)
Vigoroth: fighting (did you know he is the only pokemon to learn focus punch by level?)
Volbeat/Illumise: Bug/electric
Spinda: psychic
Flygon line: Dragon/bug
Altaria: water/flying (raincloud)
Milotic: water/psychic
Luvdisc: water/psychic
Tropius: Grass/water (rainforest)
D/P starter lines: Something else; the triangle is RUINED!


Strawberry fields.
If the earlier thread was closed, what makes you think this will fare any better?
And what makes you think that you have the right to point that out? You're of no significance, and you have no say here on this side, so your either report the thread, or keep it shut.
Does Zubat LOOK like it has wings?
so why get rid of its flying type?

ITS POISONOUS, so don't replace that with dark.

I say this all the time
WHY add dark to EVERYTHING, just because it has slightly angry eyes or big teeth.
If it were up to you, then the only pokemon that woudnt be dark would be jigglypuff and you'd probably give that a ghost type "just because"

Vulpix/Ninetale - do they LOOk like ghosts? They have confuse ray. It confuses things. It doesnt make them supernatural.

Marowak - GHOST type? ONE marowak was a ghost. ONE. It was dead, hence being a ghost.

plus, WHY get rid of onix/geodude etcs ground typing? apart from geodude, they are all ground types - they all do the same groundy things as other ground pokemon and onix LIVEs underground.
just because you don't like its 4x weakness to water and grass.
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