Canada Connoisseur
If the Unova games ever get remade (probably after Scarlet & Violet come out or maybe even in Gen 10), they'll need to have something added to their names so people know they're remakes. These are the names of all the remakes so far, (not counting Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee and Legends: Arceus):

- Gen 1: FireRed and LeafGreen
- Gen 2: HeartGold and SoulSilver
- Gen 3: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
- Gen 4: Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
- Bolt Black and Blaze White (referring to Zekrom and Reshiram's secondary typings)
- Deep Black and Pure White
- Dark Black and Light White (referring to the Dark and Light Stones used to summon Zekrom and Reshiram)
- TruthWhite and IdealsBlack (what the dragons are said to represent)
- Coal Black and Snow White (although these would probably be very unlikely