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What do you think was the hardest legendary and what was thew easiest?


I stand Alone...
Hi welcome to my thread.I need to know your hrdest and easiest legendaries.My hardest was Moltres so far and the easiest was rayquaza.;146; ;384;


Beginning Trainer
Deoxys for me! He was pure HELL!


Well-Known Member
They were all easy. Usally 2 hits and they were done for.
The only hard thing was restricting some...


Beginning Trainer
For recruiting deoxys and for beating rayquaza (Before the credits rolled).


The Earthquaker
Deoxys makes me want to burn the game! I've beaten him 34 times and he still won't join my team! Even though I'm Lv. 100 with a Friend Bow! Even worse, my best friend recruited Deoxys on the first try!!! It burns me up!

The easiest? ...Well, that would have to be Lugia. He was pathetically weak so I had to train him a lot to make him stronger. At least I got him on my first try...unlike Deoxys. Ugh.


Team NightSpark
I haven't had major problems with any of the bosses I've fought and I beat Rayquaza today. He's so damn easy but his dungeon is a nightmare


The Earthquaker
That is very unfair. Deoxys is a pain to recruit but the simplest thing to defeat in battle...


Well-Known Member
hardest for me is Ho-Oh, easiest is Deoxys (now that I have a lvl 100 Machamp)

EDIT: celebi is easy to recruit (you don't even have to battle it) but its dungeon is the hardest in the game
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Feel my soul
My hardest to fight was Articuno. I had tons of problems with him for some reason. >>; I'm not sure what the easiest was.. I beat Zapdos, Moltres, Kyogre, ect. pretty easily.


Well-Known Member
Hardest- ;151; (took me forever to recruit)

Easiest- ;243; (joined me on my first try)


Team In Flames
They were all easy apart from Jirachi because of the Lv 1 Dungeon.


ooo, what's cooking?
Deoxys makes me want to burn the game! I've beaten him 34 times and he still won't join my team! Even though I'm Lv. 100 with a Friend Bow! Even worse, my best friend recruited Deoxys on the first try!!! It burns me up!

The easiest? ...Well, that would have to be Lugia. He was pathetically weak so I had to train him a lot to make him stronger. At least I got him on my first try...unlike Deoxys. Ugh.

lugia has a 99.9% RECRUIT not restrict...rate
srry it just burns me up when people call it that unless it Charmanderz, cause he cool :D
Hrdest: Moltres, took me so long to beat it.
Easiest: Mew i killed her in 1 hit, it was less than 200 damage... I was using the normal attack, i pwned her, but she didn't join...