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What does your toolbox looklike?


Well-Known Member
Mine is 4 Huge Apples, 2 Reviver Seeds, 1 Escape Orb, a Key, and 3 Max Elixers.


Better then you
I like to keep mine like this.

2 Oran Berries
2 Reviver Seeds
1 Escape Orb
2 Max Elixers
Friend Bow

I don't have any apples because I always wear my Tight Belt.


Team In Flames
Pass Scarf
Huge Apple
Huge Apple
Huge Apple
Escape Orb
Luminous Orb


Yukimenoko Rox!!
I always carry:

1 Max Elixer
1 Escape Orb
1 Tight Belt
1 Friend Bow
1 Reviver Seed
1 Cleanse Orb - I have trap seer IQ, but that is just in case.

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies

50-ish Sticks/Iron Thorns/Silver Spikes
3 Apples/Big Apples/Huge Apples
3 Oran Berries
1 - 3 Reviver Seeds (depending on what I'm doing. Escourt missions see at least two. Because my clients are idiots, without fail)
1 Max Elixir
1 Escape Orb

Everything else is just what I find in the dungeon.


best pokemon ever
x?? Throwing Item (currently stick)
4 Huge Apple
4 Reviver Seed
4 Max Elixerer
Friend Bow/X-Ray Glasses
Anything found in dungeon

Pok'emon Master

Pokemon Master
right now in Silver Trench 92BasementFloor getting lugia last time i (ACCIDENTLY Had 3 * total team ooopss)

5 Reviver Seeds
2 Max Elixers
1 Huge Apple
Quick Seed
Escape Oeb
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He Has Returned
I never take anything a rely on the duegnoun to supply which it usaully does
Whenever I go ona important mission I always bring 3 apples, 3 reviver seeds, a pecha scarf, a few oran berries, and some rocks.


Noah's Scapegoat
Escort Missions:
Reviver Seed x3
Max Elixer x1
Stick x30

"Near" Missions:
Required Item for mission x1
Escape Orb x1

Everywhere else:
Reviver Seed x1
Max Elixer/Friend Bow x1
X-Ray Specks x1/Stick x30

Hold Item is always Tight Belt.


Well-Known Member
3 reviver seeds
3 max elixers
2 oran berries
3 huge apples (i'm planning on getting rid of these apples cause i already have the tight belt)

for lvl 1 regression dungeons

5-6 reviver seeds
3 oran berries
3 link box
4 max elixirs
some tms
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The Sexy Kitty Cat
I always try to maintain

2 Huge Apples
2 Oran Berries
99 Gravelrocks (dang ghosts)
2 Reviver Seeds
2 Max Elixirs
1 Escape orb

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
I used to carry Iron Thorns, Silver Thorns and Graveler Rocks but after I got to a monster house in Northern Range I lost all my items, I sent a distress message but no one rescued me....