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What DON'T you want to see?

  • Thread starter Calcos the Destroyer
  • Start date
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Calcos the Destroyer

Hello. I have seen many a thread portraying what you are expecting to see in Diamond and Pearl. But what about what you DON'T want to see? I know that I don't want to see the same cardboard cut-outs fighting eachother. Sick of that. And don't post anything like:"I don't want to see another poke-game without >whatever<" That can go in Ideas.


There has been a thread like this already -__-
Created by Ezett I believe.


Normal Coordinator
FrenzyPlant said:
There has been a thread like this already -__-
Created by Ezett I believe.

That's what won't happen in the games...difference, yes I guess o_O
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