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What happened here?


Quicksilver Pirate
I recently caught two Seedot on my nephew's Emerald version from an outbreak.The Seedot are both at level 25,but the odd thing is that they know Giga Drain,Frustration,Solarbeam,and Leech Seed.I've check the serebii.net and psypokes.com pokedexes and neither one says that
Seedot learn those moves by just leveling up in Emerald or any other games.

Do outbreak pokemon in Emerald have odd level up moves like the two Seedot i caught?

Sparky:Electric Guardian

< Me and Pokedolls
Didn't you or your nephew taught the Seedots those moves beacuse all of them are TM (except Leech Seed)



Eevee Trainer
Dunno... they both know those attacks? That is weird.


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome unless you have a glitch. Where'd your nephew buy the game?
On outbreaks you get better movesets. It happened to me to on diff outbreak pokemon. It's a good thing, go with it.


Well-Known Member
Um, it's etheir a glitch or your nephew had one and taught them those moves, it's possible.


Your lying...


I've just caught a level 3 seedot with leach seed, bit wierd, just wondering what other pokemon have these egg/tm moves upon capture.


echospace obsessive
When theres a news reoprt on the tv it`ll sometimes say theres an outbreak of pokemon in an area.


Well-Known Member
Yea outbreaks give good moves to pokemon


fuk yo couch ***** !
yep outbreaks do tend to give pokemon better movesets, though im not sure if it does it with all pokes. my nuzleaf which i caught in an outbreak had the same moves it should have had, and i was expecting better since id seen something like this in another thread somewhere. gutted.