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What happened to our champion?


Loving Longnecks
Like the title said, what happened to the champion, Steven? I was so looking forward on seeing steven again after the dewford cave episode and he never made and appearance movie nor episode, anyone has an idea what happened to him?
The writers didn't feel like ever showing him again.

Just like they did with most Elite 4 members.


Well-Known Member
he went to go find a shiny rock.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Maybe the writers heard about how unpopular his anime incarnation was (probably due to being intensly stupid), and decided not to take any chances.


Well-Known Member
Nope, I really think he went to find a shiny rock.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
He fell victim to the same obstacle that claimed about half the aspects of the R/S/E video games - the fact that the writers, for some reason or another, decided to base AG on its source material much more loosely than they'd done before. Lots of key locations and supporting characters either got shafted or given too short a shrift. Hence, Daigo plays a very prominent role in the video games, yet only appeared as a Character-O'-The-Day in the anime.

Sad, really. This was my main gripe with the whole Houen region.


Well-Known Member
The writters didmnt want him to show up again so he didnt
Steven stumbled upon the GS ball and a plot hole opened in the floor of the cave and he was sucked in, never to be seen again

No offense to anybody else, but this is the funniest post in the Thread.

?*V Tsun*?
The 8th Champion
He is in hospital after eating a piece of shiny rock candy!


Same reason they never showed the Johto elite 4 in the anime: they just dang didn't feel like it
And I will telepathically glare at them for all eternity because of that. Oh yes.

SEeing how long it took the writers to show all the Kanto elites(it took them until BF to get around to showing Agatha, which is just sad considering that they got Bruno and Lorelei out of the way about nine years earlier and Lance out of the way about five years earlier) and the complete lack of elites beyond that(Steven aside), I think the writers just plain have a grudge against the elites, despite the fact that each one would provide an excellent opportunity to showcase a new Pokemon or five. Probably because they'd feel more pressured to do well when showcasing such characters.

As for Steven, once Ash and Co. got out of the cave, he went back in only to be devoured by Aron for blasting a large hole in their cave. With the Aron's new taste for human flesh, Dewford was overrun and destroyed mere hours after Ash and co. left town.


Angel of Chaos
And the same thing happened to Wallace. He NEVER appeared in the anime.

Oh, and actually, Steven and Lance had a bet that Wallace would never be one the show, and Steven bet he would. After he lost, he disappeared, never to be seen again... 0_o
He found a big rock but it turned out to be a golem then it used explosion and then it killed him and most of the other elite 4 members and then injured everyone who wasn't killed wich is why most of them either took a long time to sow or werent shown at all
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Ralts Master

Knight of White Eye
The writers seem to have this annoying habit of bringing characters from an old region into a new region in lieu of using characters FROM the new region. That's why we get Lance in Hoenn, Harley and Drew in Battle Frontier, and so on (and on a much vaster scale, Ash himself, who's taken the place of three generations of male characters...)
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