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What happened?

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Ash's Pika Pal

some have to let go
I posted in the qestion thread yesterday. When I went back to that post I found out it was in the band thread. Did someone hack my account? Whoever can answer this I would appriciate it very much.


Long time no see
just ask the hundreds of peeved ppl on the forums...i think they miiiight know what happened...maybe
i had spent half an hour writtin a guide to an avatar thread for a friend....an now it is gone......HAKERS MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!


I was wondering what the crap was u[p with Kirby...

- - - Flashback

Kirby - User is banned.

... Banned modetrator? *Check profile*

Kirby - Age 100

... She once told me she was a silly person. But banned? O_O

*Checks posts*

*Reads, and apperantly she turned into a spammign freak who doesn't know how to capitalise her I's and the start of a sentance, and doesn't use periods.*

- - -

It was really screwed. I already got the "OMFG THIS ACCOUNT WAS HACKED JKELNXEU!" vibe before I found out about this thread.

Kirby! You're a spamming mod! That's good! COME BACK D*MNIT!
Kirby's account was hacked. Some idiot changed her avatar and started spamming up the forums.


Aquarius Sphere
That freak deleted MY Simpsons Quiz as well. Well, I'll soon have another one up and running, so those who took part, watch and wait...:D

Chaotic Sneasel

#1 Sneasel/Alakazam
Man, I wish I could've been here to see this, dang school. >_>

Could someone PM me the Avatar she/he used?


Staff member
o.o man what a ton of commotion.

I was hacked, said individual had fun screwing up my stuff. He also hacked my lj, and deleted my main email account, along with my moms, brothers and my dads.

So yea, he had his fun. Hopefully things will be okay now.

We'll see.

If you're honestly that curious though, do a search on me, find all posts by Kirby, and you'll see some of the ones made by the hacker.

If you have any furthur questions, feel free to PM me.


If this really WAS Jay that did this, that was a new low for him, and I'm sure that a lot of those that find/found him to be a cool guy totally lost respect for him, if they hadn't already.

My opinion: It was either Jay, or one of his acquaintances. Whoever did it is sad and has no life.

*cue person behind it coming into this thread and shooting back with a pseudo-witty remark about me being the sad, lifeless person*
So how many people didn't read this; http://serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=163808
Or the announcement VH linked to just before?

I count at least 10! Not bad.

Why you people get so overboard with hacking is beyond me, you make it into such a bloody drama, it's not even funny. Just relax, you should know by now that everything here always gets sorted out. Who did it is a matter that should only be brought up with the people involved, everyone else can just get on about their daily lives, because Misc. has been fixed, and everything is back to normal.

But hey if you wanna get your lightsaber and slice the hacker to pieces on the internet, then by all means! \o/

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~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
o.o man what a ton of commotion.

I was hacked, said individual had fun screwing up my stuff. He also hacked my lj, and deleted my main email account, along with my moms, brothers and my dads.

So yea, he had his fun. Hopefully things will be okay now.

We'll see.

If you're honestly that curious though, do a search on me, find all posts by Kirby, and you'll see some of the ones made by the hacker.

If you have any furthur questions, feel free to PM me.

I'm so so sorry Kirby. I mean of all the People you got chosen. I hope Serebii could get the IP address of this person and ban it from the forums (If he can do that like on invisionfree)



Josh, let the kids have their little fun. Remember, to them, this place is actually serious business. You, of all people, should know that. ;P

But seriously, this "HACKERS MUST DIE!" stuff is really going too apeshiz over something that was already resolved.

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
So how many people didn't read this; http://serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=163808
Or the announcement VH linked to just before?

I count at least 10! Not bad.

Why you people get so overboard with hacking is beyond me, you make it into such a bloody drama, it's not even funny. Just relax, you should know by now that everything here always gets sorted out. Who did it is a matter that should only be brought up with the people involved, everyone else can just get on about their daily lives, because Misc. has been fixed, and everything is back to normal.

But hey if you wanna get your lightsaber and slice the hacker to pieces on the internet, then by all means! \o/


I really don't have anything to add to this. Really, there's nothing you lot can do to help, thus...

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