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What Happened?


Heart & Soul...
(I really don't no If this is in the right section so... If it is not mods can move it)

I was in a battle tent in emearald when my game said "seedots attack fell", right after I was attack by a growl from a swello. I was wondering why the "seedot's attack fell" was still there. I pressed A like, 20 times and no luck. I decided to turn on the voloume. When I did, I heard KRRRRREEECKERSEKRR
noice that never stopped! This was just last night; I would test my emearald but I am afraid I'll lose data!

What on earth happened? are my togetic and lugia gonna survive it, or will I lose my saved file?


The new tuxedo look!
The casette probably popped out.
And no, you won't lose anyone.:)


Heart & Soul...
The casset was in the DS. I even felt the cartrige tigtly in the DS. I couldn't of came out.


Mine does that sometimes. It means its either out of the DS/SP or it froze.
Don't worry about it too much, it happens to everyone. It just was kind of like a crash, it should be fine from your last save point.