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What happened?

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Silent Shadow

Earth Trainer
I know you're supposed to be able to choose a Johto starter after beating Mt. Battle, and I just happened to do so after many tries. At the end, the only thing that happened was I got my Poké Coupons and was teleported back at the bottom.... Am I missing something here?


Nintendo VIP Fan
I just beat it no problems. Did it all in one go, no saves and no team changes and got me the Poke Coupons, a Special Ribbon and my first Johto starter with Elemental Hyperbeam.

Silent Shadow

Earth Trainer
So you mean I have to do it all over again? I'm good with that, since my Lugia and Lapras need more training. Can anyone tell me what happens when you're about to get your starter? Like what does everyone say?


You need to do a straight 100 won battle in-a-row
Of course, you can save and qui but:
Don't change team
Don't quit Mt.Battle
Don't save in the break room (it will do like you did the below area but you can't do the next one)
Good luck
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