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What happens when a team resues you and then sends you a pokemon?

Do you get to keep it? Well,i know this is really and i mean REA;;Y stupid but i need someone to rescue me on the tenth floor of great canyon...
i dont have like any items so ...

RF?NR TR(...)(MALE)M3?? X(FEMALE)??4
KW??? ?P3(...)H?M? 8-8H6
??T?8 J3(MALE)?(FEMALE)X?? +2J6C

thank the soul who does this out of the kindness of their heart.
Ill give you whatever i DO have,and if that thing where you send them a pokemon and you still get to keep it will you do that?i want to see how it works.


Eevolutions, mate <3
You don't get to keep the Pokémon your rescuer sends.


Well-Known Member
Do you get to keep it? Well,i know this is really and i mean REA;;Y stupid but i need someone to rescue me on the tenth floor of great canyon...
i dont have like any items so ...

RF?NR TR(...)(MALE)M3?? X(FEMALE)??4
KW??? ?P3(...)H?M? 8-8H6
??T?8 J3(MALE)?(FEMALE)X?? +2J6C

thank the soul who does this out of the kindness of their heart.
Ill give you whatever i DO have,and if that thing where you send them a pokemon and you still get to keep it will you do that?i want to see how it works.

You can only get a pokemon to temporarily join your team, after you are done with the dungeon you are in, it goes back to its friend area. Also, if you do need to be rescued, post it here.


I wanted ketchup!!!
You cannot keep the pokemon the person sends over