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What If


Pokemon Trainer
Okay what happens if the Pokemon Tv Series is like the manga series Pokemon Adventures heh that would be differnet huh it's going to be like this





Elite Four
Team Rocket
Neo Team Rocket
Team Aqua
Team Magma


Season One: The Indigo League (Episodes 1-52) (R/B/G Saga) (1997-1998)
Season Two: Yellow's Adventure (Episodes 53-78) (Yellow Saga) (1999-2000)
Season Three: The Johto League (Episodes 79-96) (G/S/C Saga) (2000-2002)
Season Four: The Hoenn League (Episodes 97-126) (R/S/E Saga) (2003-2004)
Season Five: Sevill Islands (Episodes 127-152) (FR/LG Saga) (2004-2005)
Season Six: Battle Frontier (Episodes 153-178) (Battle Froniter Saga) (2005-2007)
Season Seven: The Shinou League (Episodes 179-196) (D/P Saga) (2007-????)


Pokemon Puzzle League: The Challange Of Life (R/B/G Saga) (1998)
Pokemon Colosseum: The Legend Of HoHo (R/S/E Saga) (2004)
Pokemon XD: The Darkness of Lugia (R/S/E Saga) (2005)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Legendary Curse (R/S/E Saga) (2006)
Pokemon Ranger: The Mystery of Manafi (R/S/E Saga) (2006)
Pokemon Battle Revolution: The Mystery of Emuritto (D/P Saga) (2007)


Movie One: The Legendary War (R/B/G Saga) (1998)
Movie Two: The Legecy Of Mewtwo (Yellow Saga) (2000)
Movie Three: The Emerald Of Celebi (G/S/C Saga) (2002)
Movie Four: The Pearl Of Life (R/S/E Saga) (2004)
Movie Five: The Destiny Of Jirachi (Battle Frontier/Sevii Islands) (2006)
Movie Six: The Legend Of The Diamond And Pearl (D/P Saga) (2008)

That would to to different insted Viz might do the whole thing
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Pokemon Trainer
Well two or three is kidda way too many look at Johto League it has three seasons and the Hoenn League has two or three season that's why one season per saga is better sometimes it can be on Hitauis


Pokemon Trainer
Sorry for another topic but this topic needs to live and I thought of episode titles it's quite long but here's season one

Season One/The Indigo League:

Ep 1: Red's Adventure and the mystery of mew
Ep 2: Danger! Machoke's Wild Game
Ep 3: The Wrath of Kangaskhan
Ep 4: Toot Toot Pikachu in the Wild
Ep 5: Gym Battle! Red vs Brock
Ep 6: The Route of Danger
Ep 7: Enter Team Rocket! and the Mountain of Danger
Ep 8: Gym Battle! Red vs Misty
Ep 9: Fearow's Big Dliema!
Ep 10: Voltorb The Destoryer
Ep 11: Gym Battle! Red vs Lt Surge
Ep 12: The Attack of the Sleeping Pokemon
Ep 13: The Tower Of Pokemon
Ep 14: Green Again! The Arbok Wildness
Ep 15: Enter Blue and the City of Danger
Ep 16: The Crazy Tauros! Blue's First Battle
Ep 17: Team Rocket Again! And the base of Maddness
Ep 18: Red and Green The Switchroo!
Ep 19: The Battling Eevees
Ep 20: Gym Battle! Red vs Erika
Ep 21: The Attack of the Nidos
Ep 22: Danger! The Safari of Danger
Ep 23: Red and Giovanni? The Pewter City Attack
Ep 24: The Sea Battle! Lax vs Dragonite
Ep 25: Danger! The Attack of Team Rocket
Ep 26: The Moltres Fanfare
Ep 27: Attack at Pallet Town
Ep 28: Mr Mine's Game
Ep 29: Danger at Silph. Co Part 1
Ep 30: Danger at Silph. Co Part 2
Ep 31: Danger at Silph. Co Part 3
Ep 32: Danger at Silph. Co Part 4
Ep 33: Danger at Silph. Co Part 5
Ep 34: Rapisody Of Mewtwo Part 1
Ep 35: Rapisody Of Mewtwo Part 2
Ep 36: Enter Yellow
Ep 37: Red vs Giovanni The rock throwing battle
Ep 38: Devil's Horn
Ep 39: Pokemon League Challange Blue vs Doctor O
Ep 40: Pokemon League Challange Red vs Green The final battle
Ep 41: Pallet Town Party Panic
Ep 42: The Cinnabar Island Mystery
Ep 43: The Seaform Search
Ep 44: Mystery Of Mew
Ep 45: The Unknown Cave Search Part One
Ep 46: The Unknown Cave Search Part Two
Ep 47: Red vs Misty The Rematch of Life
Ep 48: The Saffron Tourment The Road To Be The Top
Ep 49: The Saffron Tourment Yellow vs Koga
Ep 50: The Saffron Tourment Green vs Brock
Ep 51: The Saffron Tourment Blue vs Erika
Ep 52: The Final Battle Red vs Giovanni

It follows the manga expect for episodes 41-52 they are subsides from the manga it should start from 1997-1998 though


Well-Known Member

Elite Four
Team Rocket
Neo Team Rocket
Team Aqua
Team Magma

The Elite Four are villains?

What about Cipher? They were the only villains in Pokemon that gave me a hard time. Team Aqua & Magma were not really that hard. Team Rocket was kind of easy. I only had trouble with that one Admin on the Sevii Island, but that was because I didn't heal my Pokemon because I thought he would be really weak.


Procrastinate Today!
If they replaced the current anime with that, I wouldn't cry. Heck, I would actually care about uncut Pokemon.

Of course, Red would have Ash's voice. :/


Pokemon Trainer
No I thought of voice actors in America verison the Japan and Europe will be like the normal voices so here we go

Red-Richard Cox
Green-Michael Donovan
Blue-Kelly Sheridan
Yellow-Janyse Juad
Gold-Brad Swaile
Sliver-Matt Hill
Crystal-Willow Johnson
Ruby-Kirby Morrow
Shapphire-Cathy Wesluck
Emerald-Paul Dobson

I don't know about the other charaters but you may have to think about it
This is very lame. Why would you want to change the anime just to make it like the manga? It's ridiculus.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt want them to cancel ash and them, but it would be good if they made a new tv series for manga., though i do want some new charactor to replace ash, but not his series.


Powerplay Champion
"This is very lame. Why would you want to change the anime just to make it like the manga? It's ridiculus."
You kidding?
read the manga, then talk.
It's much better put together than the show, and far more interesting to read.
And think about it... they're eventually going to run out/ or make absoloutely terrible ideas, this seems pretty decent, and well thought out, unlike your response.
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Turnabout Pokemon
Well, a new and improved anime series doesn't have to be necessarily based on Pokemon Special. Actually, using the same characters the anime currently has, the writers could have put together a far better show. However, they are just a lazy bunch who mess up on their big storylines and rehash the same filler episodes too much.

Oh well, Pokemon Special is waaaay better and I would love to see an OVA of it at least. Even a reference to it in the anime similar to the one they did with Pocket Monsters would be cool (which surprised me that they would do that in the first place).


Pokemon Trainer
Season Two/Yellow's Adventure

Ep 53:The New Adventure
Ep 54:Healing Horizon
Ep 55:Crisis Seadra
Ep 56:Lorelei's Plans Part One
Ep 57:Lorelei's Plans Part Two
Ep 58:Rain of Marowak
Ep 59:The Peasian War
Ep 60:Crisis in Paras
Ep 61:The Mysterous Gastly
Ep 62:The battle of the Lapras
Ep 63:Danger! The Attack Of The Magneton
Ep 64:Agatha's Illusion
Ep 65:Yellow's Bug Battle
Ep 66:Danger! Pidgeotto's Dinnertime
Ep 67:The Wild Route
Ep 68:Team Rocket Returns
Ep 69:Seaport Battle
Ep 70:The Attack of the Tentacruel
Ep 71:Bill's Big Experment
Ep 72:Yellow's Sea Battle Part One
Ep 73:Yellow's Sea Battle Part Two
Ep 74:Yellow's Sea Battle Part Three
Ep 75:Danger at Cerise Island
Ep 76:On Cloud Arcanine
Ep 77:Fighting Stiulation
Ep 78:Red's Big Escape Part One
Ep 79:Red's Big Escape Part Two
Ep 80:Red's Big Escape Part Three
Ep 81:The Seaside Warrior
Ep 82:The World's Hand
Ep 83:The Challange Part One
Ep 84:The Challange Part Two
Ep 85:The Challange Part Three
Ep 86:The Challange Part Four
Ep 87:The Challange Part Five
Ep 88:The Challange Part Six
Ep 89:The Challange Part Seven
Ep 90:The Challange Part Eight
Ep 91:The Attack From Lance Part One
Ep 92:The Attack From Lance Part Two
Ep 93:The Attack From Lance Part Three
Ep 94:The Attack From Lance Part Four
Ep 95:Lorelei Returns
Ep 96:Bruno's Challange
Ep 97:The Strange Shellder
Ep 98:Lance's Counterattack Part One
Ep 99:Lance's Counterattack Part Two
Ep 100:Lance's Counterattack Part Three
Ep 101:Lance's Counterattack Part Four
Ep 102:Lance's Counterattack Part Five
Ep 103:Lance's Counterattack Part Six
Ep 104:Red's New Challange
Ep 105:The Brock Returns
Ep 106:The Thojo Adventures Part One
Ep 107:The Thojo Adventures Part Two
Ep 108:Yellow Gets Kiddnapped
Ep 109:The Mission Part One
Ep 110:The Mission Part Two
Ep 111:The Mission Part Three
Ep 112:The Mission Part Four
Ep 113:The Quest For Home

So here's season two of Pokemon Adventures

Korobooshi Kojiro

Well, the RS ending is sooo.....

Contrived it's not even funny, Celebi revives everyone at the last minute since Ruby "happened" to own one...0.0

So yes, the Manga is just as contrived and heavy on marketting as the Anime.


Well-Known Member
The anime is much better. The manga is so overrated.
I disagree. I haven't really read the Manga, but of the summarys I have read:

Manga > Anime.

If anything the Anime is the one that is overrated, seeing as how most people seem to discuss about the Anime but not the Manga.