Not bad (the
Special thing), but I can imagine the anime writers dragging each
Special chapter as much as they did in the
Dragon Ball Z series. (There'd probably be lots of filler within the series for the episodes which count for one chapter.)
Season One: The Indigo League (Episodes 1-52) (R/B/G Saga) (1997-1998)
Season Two: Yellow's Adventure (Episodes 53-78) (Yellow Saga) (1999-2000)
Season Three: The Johto League (Episodes 79-96) (G/S/C Saga) (2000-2002)
Season Four: The Hoenn League (Episodes 97-126) (R/S/E Saga) (2003-2004)
Season Five: Sevill Islands (Episodes 127-152) (FR/LG Saga) (2004-2005)
Season Six: Battle Frontier (Episodes 153-178) (Battle Froniter Saga) (2005-2007)
Season Seven: The Shinou League (Episodes 179-196) (D/P Saga) (2007-????)
There are only 17 Johto episodes? No offense or anything, but that's way too little to cover everything, and there's not much new material from 2000 to 2002. Battle Fronteir and Sevii Islands haven't ended yet, so I'm not sure how long those should be. Also, anime "seasons" are almost never equal to sagas. (Japan doesn't have any.)
Pokemon Puzzle League: The Challange Of Life (R/B/G Saga) (1998)
Pokemon Colosseum: The Legend Of HoHo (R/S/E Saga) (2004)
Pokemon XD: The Darkness of Lugia (R/S/E Saga) (2005)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Legendary Curse (R/S/E Saga) (2006)
Pokemon Ranger: The Mystery of Manafi (R/S/E Saga) (2006)
Pokemon Battle Revolution: The Mystery of Emuritto (D/P Saga) (2007)
I like all of those except for the Puzzle one. Is there really anything in Puzzle that can produce a special?
Movie One: The Legendary War (R/B/G Saga) (1998)
Movie Two: The Legecy Of Mewtwo (Yellow Saga) (2000)
Movie Three: The Emerald Of Celebi (G/S/C Saga) (2002)
Movie Four: The Pearl Of Life (R/S/E Saga) (2004)
Movie Five: The Destiny Of Jirachi (Battle Frontier/Sevii Islands) (2006)
Movie Six: The Legend Of The Diamond And Pearl (D/P Saga) (2008)
That would to to different insted Viz might do the whole thing
Interesting. I personally don't prefer that the movie has events in it so important. Just saying. This doesn't look that bad though.