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"What ifs" of the PokeWorld


Basically, this is a "game" of sorts in which you post some odd "what if" questions about the world of Pokemon. Don't awnser other peoples questions, that's not the point. Also, keep it to the games only (No Anime).

I'll start...

What if the Pokemon world was similar to the real world? As in, each part of the Pokemon world is based off of an area of Japan. What if they done the same thing with the entire planet?

Since only about half of Japan has been covered yet, and there's already 500 (give or take) Pokemon, taking it worldwide, there'd be over 1,000,000 Pokemon, would there not?

So, your turn.


Eevee Trainer
What if a Pokemon decided to turn against their trainers?


Venusaur The Best
What if pokemon developed there own weapons and started a war


I own the 5th gen
What if the Pokemon world was similar to the real world? As in, each part of the Pokemon world is based off of an area of Japan. What if they done the same thing with the entire planet?

Since only about half of Japan has been covered yet, and there's already 500 (give or take) Pokemon, taking it worldwide, there'd be over 1,000,000 Pokemon, would there not?

I seriously doubt that. Even if the game areas are based off of Japan, the Pokemon have been based on animals and certain other concepts from all around the planet. Do you really think an echidna like Hinoarashi would be native to Japan? How about Raflessia, a Pokemon based on its (Japanese) namesake? Or the totem-based Natio? Hell, a set of interdimensional beings shaped like the Roman alphabet.

Face it, if they based Pokemon regions on the entire world, chances are we'd still have the same Pokemon that were already revealed in the Japan-based regions, and quite a few areas would probably be almost completely devoid of Pokemon altogether (like Oure, which is supposedly based off of the American South-west). If said region happened to go with a new generation of games, then I wouldn't be surprised if a grand majority of the new Pokemon revealed are based off of animals that shouldn't belong in the area. Also, there have been several references made to South America, and aside from Mew, I don't recall any mention of a newly discovered Pokemon outside the original 151 (given, the franchise has retconned itself several times, with the coming of each new generation as a matter of fact).
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Brains for brawn
This seems to be the most reasonable place to put this, so why not...
What do the trainers eat? Do they have infinite stores of fat in their bodies? Or do they visit secret resturaunts while we are not playing? And what would they eat there?


dont they eat in the pokemon centre

Do they clean there close?


Eevee Trainer
What if your rival in RSE didn't quit halfway through their journey? Would they be harder to beat than Wally?


I own the 5th gen
This seems to be the most reasonable place to put this, so why not...
What do the trainers eat? Do they have infinite stores of fat in their bodies? Or do they visit secret resturaunts while we are not playing? And what would they eat there?

to put it very simply: it's a game. Unless you were playing some kind of life simulator, games usually don't have you dealing with human essentials like food, hygiene, bathrooms, etc. so as to make the gameplay more convenient. Now, in other mediums outside the games (anime, manga, etc.), it is made quite clear on numerous occasions that the human trainers do require these things.

Tabby Catty

Courtney loves Ruby
What if the show called Team Galaxy was really about Team Galaxy instead of these guys trying to be space martials?

What if Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn were sailor senshi in disguise?


Main screen turn on!
what if the 4th generation turned out to be the end of pokemon? The world would be thrown into madness!

Meganium Lord

Grass Trainer
What if all tha teams disbanded and the gym leaders and elite 4 died?


Torterra Firma
What if the Catholic church sued a Munchlax?


Well-Known Member
What if the Catholic church sued a Munchlax?


I have none of these, I'll just be reading them...

to put it very simply: it's a game. Unless you were playing some kind of life simulator, games usually don't have you dealing with human essentials like food, hygiene, bathrooms, etc. so as to make the gameplay more convenient. Now, in other mediums outside the games (anime, manga, etc.), it is made quite clear on numerous occasions that the human trainers do require these things.

I think T Lord was kidding.


What if Pokemon could talk? Then we wouldnt have to wonder what the hell the pokemon are saying