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what is an upgrade


Well-Known Member
First of all, its spelled upgrade not up grede. You can get an upgrade from the Rocket Ware House on Island 5, Trainer Tower, and I think from Sliph Co.
I think you can get it from Sliph Co. only in 2nd gen games.


Jirachi Master
from the rocket warehouse.


My 1st shiny ever
you can get it in the rocket warehouse in five island. Just give one to your porygon, and trade it, then trade it back, and tada! you have a porygon2 of your own


Well-Known Member
Yea as stated above So hopefully u have the ability to trade or u cant get a Porygon2


I am the game
Get it in the warehouse on island 5 and trade your porygon with upgrade to get the one and only...PORYGON2


The ultimate trainer
battle tower

You can also get an upgrade by beating the battle tower


Well-Known Member
All you need is one attached it then trade.


Well-Known Member
Up-grade can be found in Rocket Warehouse on Island 5, when you attach it to Porygon and trade it, Porygon will evolve.