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what is Beggining Demenssion etc.

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PokeTrainer Miki
yeah its above tengan mountain, already amply discussed in the darkrai/sheimi glitch thread. its where arseus is found and u get to it by a staircase which appears when u use the heavens pipe btained through an event


Well-Known Member
yeah its above tengan mountain, already amply discussed in the darkrai/sheimi glitch thread. its where arseus is found and u get to it by a staircase which appears when u use the heavens pipe btained through an event

Not exactly it's entered by the power of the heavens pipe were it realy is none know.
Some say it existed before universe and is the gate way to the world of an ancient race


PokeTrainer Miki
i heard that ur supposed to use the heavens pipe on tengan mountain, dunno maybe i'm mistaken.


Well-Known Member
The Tengan Mountain range is that huge range running down all of SHinou. It doesn't matter though, since the event to get Aruseus isn't out yet, and won't be for a while.

very funny your asuming we may go to an event to get this?
At the topof the spear pillar were the time or space pokemon apeared you may play the heavens pipe to be shown the way to a land beyond this universe.
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