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What is PorygonZ?

What is [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/474.shtml]PorygonZ[/url] in your eyes?

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aka Arbok
When i saw PorygonZ for the first time, i thaught it was just a Porygon2... What do you think of it?


It looks cool like the other Porygon's. :) Only that it's like Porygon2 but with a horn added. Legs are like arms/wings and have a tail like a feet. And is neckless, like Rayman or Dynamite Headdy.


Spoon Powah!
PorygonZ looks like some sort of living doll. The sort of thing you'd see in horror movies, but in Pokémon style.


porygon2 with some new looks,thats it,


Back I guess??
Diferent colors, no neck, TRI attack makes more sence on it, and that thing you call horn I see a antenna, like many electronic things has, plus two cool new abilities! Also PZ lost completely the duck (or rubber duck) style.

So it´s not just a diferent Porygon2, it´s a cool new Pokémon =D 2nd favorite in my list ;D

Ah add an interesting fact, they weren´t uncreative on naming it Porygon3 (like Sony did with Playstation xD).

Z is like a 2 (If you didn´t understand write a Z and a 2 next each other), but bigger and sharper.
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The prey bites back!
it's name is derived from point z making it 3-D porygon is point x, 1st dimesion and porygon 2 is point y, 2nd dimension